
No, he’s playing that game where he acts disingenuous and keeps moving goalpost in the discussion so he can watch people get mad at him for doing those things and get himself off.

I liked the romance of American Ultra (Stewart and Eisenberg have great chemistry) but thought that most of the other plot elements (e.g. whatever guy-I-wanted-to-call-Tobey-Maguire-but-who-is-actually-a-different-person-whose-name-I’ve-forgotten what was up to) were pretty weak, and the action wasn’t especially

I have loved this session, but there is one thing that bothers be at this point. After all the cold blodedness, calculation and complete disregard for human life that White Rose has demonstrated: Isn´t the fact that Elliot and Darlene are still alive just a glaring hole in WR´s plan? Why on earth would they keep

It’s strange that I don’t see this kind of anger directed at white men, who went for Trump by 10% more than white women did. Or people 50 and up, who went for Trump by about 10 points. Or people making more than $50k a year, each slice of which went for Trump. Or black people, who shifted 5 points away from how they

Thank you for pointing out Kerrigan comes from a blue collar family as well. That gets lost in some telling of this story and it shouldn’t.

i think we saw him in the first season use it to crush pills up on... nothing more or less...

I’ve liked the season, but this was an episode I really needed.

Last year, I said that very brief moments of this show are among the sweetest things I’ve seen on television. I am ready to extend that description to a good portion of this episode. After last week, it’s a relief to feel the moved to unanguished tears. Until Our Child President showed up, I could not fully rule out

I’ve said a lot of glowing things about Mr. Robot over the years but never quite thought that I’d say this...that was goddamn delightful

This entire sequence has been less an unveiling of hidden misconduct and more an unveiling of the extent to which people closed their eyes to the misconduct.

Guthrie used to be a really good political reporter. She knows an asshole when she sees them. She absolutely had to have known who he really was.

“Finally gotcha, Asshole.”

Fuuuuuuuck no. I don’t think Guthrie seems teary but if she does it’s only out of relief. I sincerely believe the Today Show folks - particularly the women - are either fantastic actors or victims of Stockholm Syndrome.

Matt Lauer’s firing was about as expected as Donald Trump’s incompetence. Figuring out who sexually harasses women isn’t very difficult to predict. Lauer consistently gave Trump and O’Reilly a pass on their shitty behavior while grilling HRC about emails and telling her to keep her answers brief.

I was suspended from Twitter, indefinitely (permanently, I bet), and I assure you that I only attacked Trump and Sarah Palin. I will admit to being vicious, and maybe they were right to suspend my account, but, without evidence, I suspect I wasn’t a token.

a. Free speech isn’t a concern of Google of Facebook. They are businesses.

If you replace ‘voted for Trump’ with ‘lived through WW2 and still has some leftover Nazi attitudes’ you have my family. Even the religious part fits.

Holy shit it’s like i typed this myself.

I have empathy for the kids I teach from disadvantaged backgrounds who would love to be "picky eaters." I notice poor kids rarely if ever get this "disorder." Funny, huh?