L Ron Flubbard

To LW#2: When someone chooses to marry, and especially when he or she has kids, priorities necessarily change. And unfortunately, that means drifting away from many people who were close friends in the "single" days. There's an excellent chance they don't dislike you, nor are they judging your decisions about marriage

Good advice on the second letter. Friends grow apart, and it's not anyone's fault. Is it worth it to cling to a friendship with a person that you have absolutely nothing in common with anymore? A person whose priorities are so drastically different from yours that it's like they're speaking a different language?

Regarding the woman whose friends are all married/have kids, I can tell you that I love all of my non-parent friends just as much as I did before I had a child. The reason I see less of them isn't because I only want to hang out with other parents, it's because I know that my child-free friends have better things to

It looks identical to when I had a home-done blonde dip dye and sprayed it with green hair colour to be a witch for halloween a few years back hah.

I will never get over Beyonce's hair. Both she and her sister have GOT. IT. GOING. ON.

Jared Leto looks creepy as FUCK. And what the hell is wrong with James Franco? So weird that people feel inclined to post pictures of themselves waking up in bed.

Who cares about photoshopped thighs? What we should be discussing is how goddamn gorgeous Beyonce's hair is. W.O.W.

Perhaps La Lohan should consider selling some of that #givenchy and #alexanderwang. It's not like we don't all know she is #broke.

I live where she lives and we shop at the same resale shop...she's a little brat in real life.

I do it because it makes my eyes look bigger.

Yeah, fuck that teenage girl for becoming successful making her own media and parlaying it into other venues! She should do something with real feminist value, like becoming a pop star or a Twitter activist!

How lame to take a selfie of yourself while you're looking away from the camera, as if you didn't realize your picture was being taken. By you.

I do it every day. It makes my eyes look bigger and really pulls together the rest of my eye makeup. It feels weird not to do it, actually.

He's in a onesie too!

The back ad on Seventeen. This guy.

Incorrect. My father, a full blooded blackfoot indian actually raised me as part of the American Indian Movement (aka AIM). Nice to see how cavalier you are though. I wonder would I be called out as a monster for doing that with a whole bunch of gifs reading 'black tears'? Ah, no, it's TOTALLY not bias or a double

Wanna REALLY fuck with her? Tell her that you've decided she needs to dress more modestly and you've picked out her outfit for the night.

We're going dress shopping for my almost 17yo next weekend. I'm looking forward to the crying and begging. Can't. Wait.

I have never felt so old.