L Ron Flubbard

YES. Some people I went to HS with just separated after many years of smoochy-smooch smug married status updates, and seem to have zero filter when it comes to "should I post this on Facebook or not"... it is fantastic.

Winston is now officially my favorite character. I could easily watch The Winston Show spinoff every night, with his cat and insane girlfriend.

I have always heard everyone say this, and yet in every LTR I've been in, the only direction we manage to grow is apart. Do you have any advice for how exactly a couple manages to allow each other to grow and change and still maintain the relationship? I know this is probably too vague of a question, but I sincerely

whoops wrong post =/

It definitely takes a while. Vodka & tonic used to be my go-to drink, despite horrific toilet adventures the next day. I never thought I'd be a whiskey drinker until I had a friend who made me an amazing whiskey sour... I fell in love and never looked back. You just wait, miss thang! It'll sneak up on you too!

I can't not view this as a 2 hour side-plot of a New Girl episode. (I did laugh out loud when Jake Johnson ate shit on the dance floor though.)

Oh man. Nothing takes me to Diarrhea Town USA faster than vodka. It's like swallowing knives, even the 'good' vodkas. And I've got Russian genes, so don't think I didn't give it an honest effort for a long time!

If you can stomach potentially obnoxious people hounding you with sales pitches, then you might enjoy it. The one I went to was at a crazy nice venue and had really great free dinner and open bar. I think it could be a fun thing to take advantage of, as long as you know what you're getting into and don't let yourself

Yeah, I don't think I'd want to go to one either after having seen it. Plus my mom and sister are VERY gullible, so it was really hard to watch them essentially get conned into buying all this overpriced needless crap. Such vultures, that whole industry...

I have a feeling, based on both your comment and username, that we would be dangerously great friends IRL...

Ha! That's exactly how I feel whenever I'm given Vicodin. Hopeful, but then giving way to utter disappointment.

Funny you guys mention resistances - I've never been one to get high or feel really anything but queasy from hydrocodone, but oxycodone makes me fly higher than a kite. I wonder if I'm just unable to metabolize vicodin.

Ah, well, that's certainly fair. I guess I didn't think about the resistance factor. I'm with you in hoping weed makes it to the finals... there must be some justice in the world!

My impression of these results is that maybe most of the people voting have never tried a lot of these... I mean, advil beating fucking oxy?? Surely such a judgment would come from one who had never experienced the wonderful hug from god that is oxy.

If weed isn't at least in the final two, I'm packing my bags and leaving humanity.

Cannot agree enough. Vodka is fucking horrible. I used to drink it all the time in college, but only because I had no idea how to sip & appreciate liquor and just wanted whatever would get me shitfaced cheapest/fastest. I hope this isn't the criteria voters today are using.

That vodka is winning over scotch is blasphemy. BLASPHEMY!

I've had this exact same thought. It boggles my mind.

Those bridal fairs are atrocious. I was MOH at my sister's wedding and we attended one... good god, it seemed like every vendor's sales tactic was just FEAR. "You don't want the most important day of your life to go wrong, do you?"

Jessica Biel has got to be the absolute least deserving contender on this list, IMO. I just don't understand how this woman continues to get the A-List treatment everywhere (her presenting a fucking OSCAR this year as the most notable example). I get that her husband is A-List, but... *sigh*