Wasn’t that also supposed to include the purple’s you get from leveling up with the cryptarch? Well, i guess, apparently not, since 90% of those trade ins still get me two lovely blues...Curse you Rahool and your new reef buddy, too!
Wasn’t that also supposed to include the purple’s you get from leveling up with the cryptarch? Well, i guess, apparently not, since 90% of those trade ins still get me two lovely blues...Curse you Rahool and your new reef buddy, too!
The next time i play a game of baseball i’m going to see if i can just skip the whole batting portion and just throw the ball over the wall. I weep for the future when everyone finally gets everything they want and no one has to be challenged anymore.
“pair them with Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light? “
Don’t tease. I’m still getting over there never being a live action movie.
Yeah, i was sure i was going to stay with just one character, so i scrapped my other 3...now, the one gets moved around a lot between my other 2 characters. d’oh.
That’s because everyone’s hoping the two women kill each other and fall over on the child. Sparing him from, 10 years later, showing up somewhere with a loaded gun and the cops have to kill him, anyways.
I play the game way too much, and there’s still a bunch of times where i haven’t found the chests at...I think i got a key last night, so thank goodness for upping the drops and not getting bummed out when i finally found the chest at :10 left and got nothing out of it..lol Worst place to find the chests so far,…
If you left the area and went to the next zone, you could turn around and go back to an unopened chest. If you were lucky to get the skywatch one next to the building to pop up, you could run into the building and back out 4 or 5 times in a countdown :X But now you don’t have to worry about that!!
Lot’s of whiny folks with no real problems in life.
Hey, we all have our wants and preferences, no matter how old we keep getting or how little we might actually use it.. Not a thing wrong with that!! Personally, i’ve got an xbox and i’m playing it far more than i should be, lately, even though there’s other things i probably should be working on :/ You might be better…
Very true! But sadly, i think as the years keep going, more and more, those lines are going to get a lot more blurry... and since it’ll be delivered in a shiny package when things are going good, we’ll just smile and accept it. Before you know it, we won’t really own much of anything, anymore.
Microsoft, Sony, Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, etc etc etc..and the list keeps growing every year...Everyone and everything being connected comes with a price like everything else.
But if you did something malicious, or whatever, on someone elses console, then do they just get a free pass because they said, ‘well it wasn’t me.’ ? If that’s the case, everyone would get off scott free :X The owner of the equipment needs to be responsible for their own toys. And nope, it’s not always fair.
It’s a double edged sword. Nathan says that Tony didn’t learn from his mistakes, and then if he did, he’d be the first one in line to say that Stark isn’t true to his character, anymore. Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t.
Absolutely great in little snippets. An hour or so of this, though, and i’d be beating my head against the wall.
*applause* lol
I’ve been buying digital copies from Amazon for about 3+ years now, and it was all good to have everything in SD, before they really jumped full stream into HD, since my tv kind of blew. So HD popped up and i think Brave was the first thing i bought in HD and downloaded it, and because of the file size i didn’t start…
Maybe if you report someone, they can look back to the statistics of that match, investigate their kill count, and then wander around in other matches of theirs and see if there’s a pattern.
It's nice to see that even Ads can get along. If they can do it, why can't we?! lol