The entertainment value after that announcement, alone, would be worth the price of admission.
If only Lex Luther had your mother raising him, he could've probably had that Superman problem solved years ago. ;)
Welcome to the internet, where everything must change, and change into a convenient little package, overnight.
I'm actually curious. Does that mean all the mothers that got us to where we are before the last 10 years or so were all terrible mothers?
No spirits! No more! I've seen enough!
I was worth it, alone, for Waggleton P. Tallylicker.
Click the 'Bacon Method' link at the bottom of the post. :)
It's a matter of if you want to be the wolf or one of the sheep ;) If you're stuck playing a game that you're bored of, it kind of defeats the point of playing in the first place.
Now imagine that octopus at the same scale to you as it is to that crab, while you're just hanging out at the beach. :X good luck to you, sir.
Playstation fanboys.
"No one's own race and gender should prohibit them from making characters of other races, genders, or sexual orientations. If it does, that speaks to an underlying prejudice"
Oooor they're just working with what their familiar with.
"Write what you know."-Mark Twain
It seems that it's the thing these days with many teens and 20-ishes, of if it's not perfect when it comes off the line, it's crap. There doesn't seem to be anymore of understanding that you have to walk before you can run. Can you imagine if you took people today and sent them back 100 years ago? The first cars…
And yet, still, no matter the topic, if it's something people want to believe, they'll go after any possible little bit of meat like a pack of wolves. Damned the research! It's what i want to hear, so it must be true!!!
It's not perfect (what is?) but i use mine everyday, and 90% of the time, i love it.
You had to know you're a row boat trying to go against the waves in the middle of the ocean, in here. What seems completely logical to some, well, not so much to others. Sorry for the beating in trying to get your point across, but it has been a good read watching you keep your responses calm and collect all the way…
Planetary/Kingdom Overlord is really more about the title. :X
lol...yep, those are mine when i start rambling on, trying to make a point, and by the end of my 2 page dissertation it's, "wtf was i trying to say? ah well."