
I feel like we need to talk more about "We Tapped That Ass". It had tap dancing in Converses and New Balances, respectively. It had a love seat from the Sir Mix-a-lot Collection.
"Back Pati-Oh!"
"Where should we finish? Please not on my chest?"

No Marie Callendar's?

I've been catching up on CEG and B99 via On Demand, so while watching this episode, I was channeling Gina Linetti: "Signs on signs on signs"…
*Edit: Also wanted to include that the "Love Triangles" song was the best meta-baby voice since Alison Brie's Christmas song during the Christmas pageant episode of Community.

I remember the chapter in which Yossarian discussed the existential nature of ass blood..

I was super into Greek mythology as a kid and I had no interest in seeing Hercules. Once I found out that they made Hades the bad guy, I was over it.

See my reply to @Lance Cummins

Having seen and loved both Kill Bills and The Hateful Eight, I'm going to respectfully disagree with your premise.

Listening to Greenwald's podcast with Stephen Falk (in which he shares the origins of the title, "The Width of a Peach") and I remembered another poignant part of the finale. Jimmy's big speech on the hill is essentially the Meredith Grey "We can extraordinary together instead of ordinary apart" speech as filtered

I literally was just discussing the prospects of a renewed MK franchise at work a couple of days ago. Not very surprising, unfortunately.

This is the only scene of Jackie Brown that I've seen. Yes, I know I should really rectify that, especially because I call myself a Tarantino fan…

Why does no one talk about how stupid she is?!
I enjoyed Paul as "the bad guy", black shirt and all. As Vikram writes, the two-parter handled their relationship's demise evenly, Lindsay did terrible things but Paul enabled her every step of the way. He even left her for a nice, compatible person and then came back.

I didn't watch Sliders except for catching some episode where there was some slug thing that would enter people's mouths due to the warmth There was a showdown in like a morgue or some room with the temp lowered to around freezing and one of the main cast needed to lure the parasite by using his own mouth. Needless to

Also, Fringe.

"Scenario" is arguably the best Hip-Hop remix of all-time and top 5 best posse cut of all time. The reason I say arguable is only because "Flava in ya Ear (Remix)" exists…

That reads as more of a request than a challenge now that he's passed…

Yay, Awake!

I've never seen either movie in full but I'm still pissed execs didn't choose to name Now You See Me 's sequel: Now You Don't.

Before my time here at AVC, but just the name "" sounds like a cluster-cuss…

To be fair, those women are pretty attractive…

2One:2Furious? Or T1:2?