
I was surprised no one mentioned Talking Heads' "Once in a Lifetime" during that scene:
"And you may find yourself in a beautiful house
With a beautiful wife
And you may ask yourself, well
How did I get here?"

Thanks Vikram, for the music shout outs BTW, normally captions are good for that but not this episode. Listening to that Frankie Rose song now…

And his pet snake Squeezy…

Killian would beg to differ…

Vernon was born dead, does that count?

Pretty sure either Danson or Scott said "he" while discussing Shawn. More importantly, I find it interesting the writer wrote the name as "Sean". My captions had it as "Shawn" and that's my default spelling of the name. Looks like it's the default around these parts as well…

Atlanta, Crazy Ex-GF, and YTW recommendations? Along with The Good Place? Maybe we should all hang out sometime…

I have zero sympathy for Indians fans regarding '97. As a young Orioles fan, I thought for sure our "Wire to Wire" team was gonna cruise into the WS, and then Tony Fernandez met Armando Benitez so…

3 times? 1995, 1997 and…?

So to circle back to Outkast, this line made me think of Andre's lines in "Return of the 'G'":
Yeah, yeah it goes like this right here/
Like uh, niggas always be hollering "peace"/You know what I'm saying, "peace my brother"/Peace this, peace that, you know what I'm saying but/Every time I uh try to get a peace of

"Who said that? What ignorant, low down, slanderizin, son of a b*tch said that?"

Don't like opera, haven't listened to NPR, veggie I can tolerate but am not a fan, I'm assuming combo is pepperoni and sausage, which is awesome. If you put pineapple on anything that's not a pineapple upside cake, it's gross.

Thank you. I find it incredible that people have been able to overlook this root cause. If there were less parents assaulting coaches or acting like their kids was the next Kobe or LeBron and needed to be recognized as such, then you wouldn't need participation trophies. Also another underlying but important cause:

Oh, great call. That's a perfect comparison.

The entire time he was onscreen, I was waiting for him to sing, "My name's Dee-eerek/And I can sing high like thiiiis/And I can sing high-igh-iiigh!" It really wouldn't have seemed out of place.

HOF San Diego Padres closer Trevor Hoffman?
Actually, I work with a Trevor. He's not a bad guy.

That entire moment illustrates everything great about the movie in like a 10-20 second clip.
I also love the scene of Helen, Violet, and Dash as they're breaching for impact in the water. The waves were just beautifully rendered.
Also, the faux retro design of the city and the score are wonderful similar to Batman: TAS.

True, but Buddy articulated it better and was a helluva lot more memorable…

It's funny, people criticize low income citizens for endorsing (tacitly or otherwise) the Stop Snitching ethos but say nothing about officers "protecting the shield".
Nor is it noted that law enforcement's investment in witnesses statements and testimony end at the ability to prosecute. Contrary to TV and movies, most

Is it wrong that I thought of Maverick with Mel Gibson, Garner and Jodie Foster? I mean that was pretty much that entire movie…