
Necky, Trunky, Squeezy. For a writer, Jimmy's a bit on the nose when it comes to pet names…

Pam Grier is never too old for anything…

No, I'm not familiar, Hell no, and Ehhh….

I see 2 guys, a girl…are they saving the pizza place for the second trailer?
In all seriousness, Jackman and Stewart are 2/3 of the best parts of OG XMen, so any movie with just those two, I'm in.

"Help me, Barry!"
- Nathan, Misfits S2

The year of Mahershala continues…

3 out of 10 but It Follows was not an A…

Agreed. I don't mind having an Andy Dwyer/Dwight from"The Office" style dimwit but something about the stupidity of Jason/Jianyu is more irritating than funny. Also sidenote: Kudos to Kristen Bell and the writing staff; in the tradition of Michael Schur shows, this is an ensemble comedy that revolves around a single

Solo, the twist is that they're creating clones, right? Anytime I see people suspended in tanks, I think cloning.

"Do you guys watch Mr. Robot?"

I just knew the brand from pies and other frozen baked goods. I didn't know there were actually chain restaurants…

Mine said the same thing. Also during Edgar's earlier "Dr. Weed" video when he was responding to "fan mail", the captions listed his dialogue as alternately Souther accent and East L.A. accent which I found funny in its own right.

That clearly should be this week's B99 webisode.

Don't forget breakdancing Holt either…

This week in "Memorable Lines from Captain Holt": "Why is no one having a good time? I specifically requested it."

Heart always gets shitted on, but I always thought wind was the lamest. I mean unless she combines with the red headed pyro or the token African guy, it's just a strong wind gust. I'm not impressed.

As the show has progressed, I think it has earned a comparison with Mad Men in how it portrays office politics and dissects cultural/technological transitions. As a result, I see Donna as HaCF's Joan (it's not just the red hair). Both of them have been put upon, ignored, passed over and the moment they grab power and

Agreed, that's why I don't subscribe to the "Colter isn't a good actor" I think fault lies with Coker and his writers for how they've characterized Luke. A character this self righteous is bound to be charmless which is a shame because Mike Colter channeling Lemond Bishop into Luke Cage would've been phenomenal.

I'm so glad I wasn't the only one that made the Chris Rock connection when Shades write the price of the "Judas" ammunition.

I remarked to my wife that I didn't realize until that moment, how much more Ben Folds I needed on TV. He displayed a similar dry wit as a judge on "The Sing Off". Unfortunately the "Brick" joke fell flat for me because I've never listened to his actual music.