
I think Chappelle's work was probably shaped the most by the period Bush II-era America was just weird. And provided Dave and Co. the perfect fodder to expose said weirdness.

Nope and I, for one, enjoy it every time.

Beat me to it!

Awaiting an appearance by Taimak. I haven't finished Luke Cage yet but I would love if someone references "Kiss my Converse"…

I mean, at least Misty didn't yell "There was a firefight!" and fire her weapon into the air at the crime scene…

Upvoted for the Eminem reference…

100% agreed. I studied and lectured on this subject in undergrad but to see it summed up with such poignancy, was breathtaking. Also didn't expect Gingrich to be a voice of reason in this doc.

Top 5 best tagline ever: In space, no one can hear you scream.

That's such an obvious point and yet I've never considered that until just now. I'm co-opting this perspective from now on, thank you!

That entire "Dewey Decimal" scene was brilliant. Lindsay was phenomenal: "Bad friend bitch"

Ron would find Jimmy tedious. Jimmy would heckle Ron and it would back fire.

I think you're missing Dennis's point which is that many commentators including here at AVC, accuse HaCF of being "unrealistic" due to its characters being at the technological forefront. Dennis's was responding to that perspective, not agreeing with it.

Also, how often have sitcoms trotted out the "burnout has a drug test, uses female urine to hilarious results"? It was nice to set it gender flipped and know it wouldn't end with a surprise pregnancy reveal.

See I was the exact opposite. I immediately noticed the wine power move but I didn't put the Snapper/Pad Thai together until reading the comments.
FYI: I too enjoy eating Pad Thai with chopsticks.

I'll say the "restaurant/Migos" ep was the funniest but this was the most complete episode, the tension was palpable, the humor was present but not overly comical, and Zazie was mesmerizing.

Will Smith & Denzel were both booked, so…no there weren't.

Username/comment synergy

Last Days of Night is a better title. I know I should read more about Tesla but everything I know about him is from The Prestige and "The Oatmeal"…

I've been meaning to finish this book, is it worth trying to pick it back up again?

Color me unimpressed by the fight scene. After hearing so much about it, not only does it pale in comparison to the Daredevil scenes but they censored "Bring the Ruckus"? That's like being an HBO show that doesn't show tits; it's part of appeal of the content provider.
I'm waiting to be writers but so far this series