
That's why I have no beef with Tyler Perry. If Michael Bay and Zach Snyder can have prolific careers, why not him?

Thanks to my children, I've developed the habit of watching all TV with CC on. I've found that it actually assists with the overall experience, not just making out dialogue but finding the names of artists and songs as well.

If we're thinking about the same show ("Emily Owens, M.D.") that was actually her sister, Mamie.
*No I'm not making this up, there's three Gummer sisters total, Mamie and Gracie look like twins to the untrained eye…

Last season: Reporter and cameraman shot during live news on VA. USA postponed the finale by a week.

Delroy Lindo still wants you to put down his sesame cake…

I missed the episode where Steve burned his handy, dandy notebook while locked up in the pen. But I was never a Blue's Clues completist…

Ehh, I don't know, teenage LaMar was pretty enthused on his parents' couch in the basement…

Wait, Mexicans and Argentines sound like FXX's target demographic!
Somebody's get John Landgraf's nephew on the phone (I'm assuming he heads up programming), we've got business to discuss…

I think it's been clear that she (like most of us) hates being vulnerable. Those people with which she's been vulnerable (mostly men) have left her.
Her dad (for whom she had clear affection as outlined last season) died. Joe was…well, Joe. And Tom ever up deciding not to come with her to CA. So rather than feeling

But I think that's the point: add that comment plus Joe's observation about "playing up the Texas" buy plus Gordon's reminiscing about how he used to be scared of Bos (and afore-mentioned bear story) and the "Bos" chant from the coders; I think Bosworth is feeling more like the Mutiny mascot instead valued senior

He definitely rocked the bow tie like one…

The lemon pepper joints but with the sauce on 'em…

"I like a good comedy that has the occasional serious moment to balance it out".
That's pretty much the first 30 minutes of the show, soooo…

Agreed. One could successfully argue that being "unapologetically Black" = "genuinely weird".

Really enjoyed both episodes, tons of great banter and short funny asides.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Darius, man. Remember you came in the house and I have you a cookie?"
"Now this is definitely going Worldstar!"
"… Apparently John Boyega is the new Magic Johnson."
I'm looking forward seeing more of Nutella Man and his

Are we completely sure that the above pic is actual Chase and not a wax replica?
*late 90s Will Smith voice* "Cuz…damn!"

So, I think this show (and the various shows of its ilk, LOST etc.) at its core weighs "What the audience knows" vs. "What the audience believes". Ex. We know Wellick is missing, we believe he's dead.
While there is no golden ratio, a successful serial is able to balance the two; too many facts mixed with few

That scene never gets old to me…especially how angry Chappelle's character responds:
"No, man! I said 'Hey, Blinkin'."

This is like a Jeopardy category: What is 'You're the Hearst'?

"Unlike some Robin Hoods, I speak with a real British accent."
I love RH:MIT and I will apologize to no one.