
Mackenzie Davis, Kerry Bishe and Kruger? From your lips to God's ears

Would've loved hearing about the experience of acting with Peter MacNichol about fifteen years apart. Interesting insight into the Coen brothers, I always took their aloofness as typical Hollywood put on but I like the idea that they're humble enough to just stay even keeled about it all.

Wait, nine months from now or from 10 months ago?

I wouldn't say he was alone in seeing Joe as another "Difficult Man" in the vein of Draper et al. Alison Herman from The Ringer (who I rarely agree with as far as TV criticism) has an article today with a similar assessment and it ends with this line: "After the her comes the antihero, and after the antihero comes

I had a feeling that joke wasn't gonna land…

Kerry Bishe definitely makes a better red-headed Hot Donna than Laura Prepon ever did.
In all seriousness, I love the fact that the writers have placed Joe firmly in the role of villain/antagonist. It's obvious that was originally meant as another "Difficult Man" in the vein of Draper, White, and Soprano with all of

Sounds like you and I have different definitions of "survival"…

I'm genuinely curious about your assertion on Hollywood's asexualizing of Black men a decade ago. Not saying I disagree, I'm just struggling to think of commercial releases that substantiate the point…

*Joins AV Buyer's Club for cheaper Mexican equivalents*

God creates dinosaurs
God kills dinosaurs
God creates man
Man revives dinosaurs
Dinosaurs eat man
Women inherit the Earth

I would imagine some of the same things that destroyed John Mulaney's show: They both got Peacock'd

Wait, he was on that? I clearly checked out waaay before then…

Also another stray observation: First episode without Leon. Is he taking time to finally start watching "Frasier" now that he finished "Seinfeld"?

"She was supposed to be the next Julia Roberts."
What's she doing that's better than Garner? Hell, at this point, her brother and her neice are getting more work than she is…

TMID is out here asking the important questions….

I always thought the "unmotivated/uninvested" attitude was more of a Gen X thing in direct response to the hypocrisy of the Flower Power generation. Their movies tended to show kids or teens in worlds where there was little to any adult supervision and the adults present were normally the bad guys (Goonies, E.T. etc).

That's the second Santa Clause. (Spoiler alert)

And Don asked her if the men tried to kill her! I don't think the coworker ever answered though…

Not "common" murderers, they would be no more than ruthless murderers. Sounds like a semantical point but her verbiage makes her rationalization that much more terrifying. Paralyzing a guy by injection THEN murdering him almost the definition of ruthless.

So glad I'm not the only one that got the same vibe..