
Sooo, Cabin in the Woods then? This book introduced me to Gaiman as a middle schooler, who I revered for some time before I became an adult. Don't remember a lot of the plot but I am looking forward to this. Still need to finish Hannibal as well…

I didn't know there was a reposted Yahoo! Answers gimmick account…

I'll defer to the more cinematically knowledgeable but was there echoes of The Seventh Seal's score in the chess scene? I know the visuals are obvious but I didn't know if the music was derived or sounded similar to the famous movie scene.

Great band name, but what did you think about the episode?

I know this comment was sarcastic but I've been chewing on the whole "Fight Club/Ferris doesn't exist" thing, and I've come to the conclusion that we've had it wrong the whole time: What if Cameron doesn't exist? What if he's the sullen, paranoid, anxiety-riddled side of Ferris' happy go lucky character?

I have but one up-vote to give…

Wait, that was her dancing? *Audible gasp

Something, something "Short Term 12" is very good…

I really don't get the love over Winter Soldier. I enjoyed it and I understand it's impact on the MCU but I definitely don't see it as one of the top 3 movies.

Well, true by default. It was an older show but I piggy backed on Fresh Price specifically in this context because it's criminally underrated in it's portrayal of Black family-hood in the late 20th century. People remember Will Another acting silly and the Carlton dance but there were some potent examples of lived

I don't think Ray's a schizophrenic, he just choose to process his wife's death atypically.
*I'm biased because I fully expect to act similarly if my wife dies before me. I wouldn't be able to help myself.

I don't think I've seen an AV Clubber successfully rebut their own comment within the same comment. That was masterful…

That's the hope.
*Crosses toes, eyes, and fingers

I still remember when they were marketing the summer of Shailene, between this series and "The Fault In Our Stars", she was supposed to be the new YA It Girl… Oh well

The entirety of Fresh Prince's run dealt with being Black in America in ways that any show now could only dream of.

I remember watching this and enjoying it. And I remember Esposito but I don't recall McCarthy's character at all.

Actually even in his own stuff, his non-Madea acting is good. Gone Girl is probably his best thus far.

I agree completely. To paraphrase Dennis Green, the show is what you thought it was. The biggest change, of course, is Noxon being much less involved. And while that NYT profile did not paint Ms. Shapiro or her working relationship with Noxon in a flattering light, in not willing to cede that Noxon is solely

"It's true, Your Honor. This man has no dick."

What about "Beast Wars"? That was a cool show…