
Huh, didn't know that. Thanks for the tidbit…

The second Black kid seen in Eric's room and exiting the car when the players approach Taylor in the parking lot.

Sorry first post was way too long but I had more to say! My main focus were on the father figures in this episode none of whom look good.
Eric's Dad: Well I can see why that marriage eventually dissolved. I was hoping that he was going to be an ally for Eric with the speech he gave to the younger brother but nevermind.

So the past few episodes, I've progressed my love of the LaCroix family and its zeal to protect their son. Well… Needless to say that has been greatly diminished.
I do want to eliminate the notion that Kevin's dinner chat makes him complicit in the assault on Taylor. He says "he's a dude. So there's no way he shouldn't

There were some establishing shots (I think Ep3 or 4) that showed the parts of the city including the exterior of Lucas Oil Stadium, which is the home stadium of the Indianapolis Colts.

If any show would attempt it, this is that show.

Totally forgot another entry into the Braugher Line Reading Hall of Fame:
Gina: "I saw you measure a ruler with another ruler."
Holt: "Of course, that ruler was 1/18th short. It should've never been in circulation."

Yo, Johnny would go to war over Plank. I totally forgot about that…

beema needs to watch his/her/it's back…

You mean Steak Me Home Tonight?

Surprisingly, they're both excellent.

They would've made the same decision. Even moreso because football is how OJ earned his fame, both on the field & in the booth.

"I was gonna run for Mayor." Simple line but delivered such a punch because you realize no matter how the case goes (and we know how it ends), his career was sunk.

The More You Know *insert rainbow*

There's a part in American Crime Story (the TV show) when OJ is time that Nicole had been killed. And he says "Is she dead?" & my next thought was "Fuck you mean, is she dead? She lying there like a newborn fucking baby, god."

"Most kids are going to be the victims of people like the headmaster, the cops and the LaCroix couple."
This is such a great point and I want to use it to better explain my position. You named three different parties with three different agendas, the one commonality is that none of the parties are particularly invested

It's less so a "fear" but: kids at night. Whenever my son might wake up and creep downstairs or, especially, when my daughter is crying at like 1a & Mrs. LaMar elbows me to check on her, I always wonder "What if they're like demon possessed or something? Or zombies?" Because you're groggy, you keep the lights off so

Wait, are we not gonna talk about the LaCroix encounter with Female Detective? First, when Terri realized that there not letting Kevin out of the spotlight yet, she gives the "Girl, bye!" face to Ms. Detective and then Michael comes in, "Please don't mistake me for the reasonable one"…
I think I've enjoyed the Lacroix

I read the interview with her on Vulture . According to her, it was more of a "Wait, who? Oh, that guy" scenario vs. being completely oblivious to his existence.