
There's a joke in there about the Maestro giving O.J. the gloves to put on…

Yeah, it was definitely rude. But here's what's even more interesting to speculate: What if the roles were flipped? What if she was the working class parent in the midst of divorce and (essentially) broke, approaching the well off white parents for assistance and one parent reacted the same way? That would read to

You know what? Your assessment is completely…even-handed and considerate. A civil difference of opinion on the Internet? I'm going outside to see if pigs are currently flying…

Welp, I hope you don't have any money on the Super Bowl , my friend. This episode was well-crafted all around. I was at an age to be aware of the OJ case and some of its adjacent jokes but way too young to know its importance. This show does a great job setting the table without being overly expository. And that final

I feel like they wasted two prime A plot premises in one mashed together episode. As most people are saying the Puzzle Room had excellent bottle episode written all over it. The "Karen Peralta" plot was a complete mess: you had Jake's birthday, Amy (and the audience) meeting his mom for the first time and adolescent

This season, it was about the same as "The Expanse", some episodes were more meandering. Then you have a show like "Rectify" that are incredible but move like a slug in molasses…

I had never heard this bit before, oh my God, "Hee-Bee Kiteberger" lol.
What's more troubling is that from the time I saw this in '96 til now, I was just like Patrice and didn't realize how Hirsch's character was problematic. I'll never be able to look at it the same way now…

Agreed about Elle's character and her performance in the actual movie are constantly overlooked when people criticize Super 8.

Wait, so Europe has 3 schools, located in three different countries (England, France and assuming Turkey, though I don't know if Turkey is actually European or Asian) but the entire continent of Africa has one school? Damn, even in completely fictional settings, Africa gets shafted…

So you mean I actually should watch this now? Damnit, I was banking on this show being terrible….

See, I don't understand the view that she's a bitch. She certainly isn't the most approachable but if you compare her to Huffman's character…
Both are powerful women.
Both are extremely shrewd in decision-making.
King is the only one who has been making decisions based on protecting her child, the headmaster is very

Yeah, I didn't see it as abandonment because the next scene is Coach Dan talking to his own daughter about how she can come to him with anything. Pairing the two scenes together, it read as Coach's realization that Eric would've rather died than admit who he was, how he feels, and what he did (or didn't do) to his

I remember BMfM mostly due to getting a mini-comic as part of a promo with some Lunchables-type kid's meal. I thought it was weird for mice to have antennae…

"You are truly dumb. Give me an intelligent, sensible, non sheep reason why his analysis is dumb? Thats a challenge i doubt you are ready for"
*That's a challenge for which I doubt you are ready.
If you're going to troll, step one is to make sure your grammar is impeccable.

So given the news in the past couple of weeks, next year's awards season should be real interesting. On one hand if Nate Parker's Birth of a Nation sweeps through the major awards, then it seems like of course the "Slave movie" gets awards. On the other hand, if it's shut out all of this year's hoopla is kind of for

Can we get the GIF Patrol on that scene, ASAP?

So Comedy Central used to play CB4 all the time in early '00s. And I watched it and thought it was funny. Then I happened to watch Fear of a Black Hat and it blew my mind. It makes CB4 look kinda weak by comparison.

Wait, you screened Coming to America as his introduction to Black people?
I'm not upset, just bewildered at how that experience must have been.

I've finally found my tribe. I've been seeing MiT get cut down on A.V. Club for a while now and, yeah it's not Brooks' at his peak, but damn it's funny. Roger Rees, Maid Marian overdone accent ("I'm sooo happy!"), Dave Chapelle's Malcolm X speech, anything with Blinkin…

I wish I was high on potenuse!