
I mentioned on Twitter I would love to watch a buddy sitcom set in a HS where B.o.B. teaches science & Terrence Howard teaches math. Thinking about it now, it should just be a reality show with them teaching their dumb concepts to each other.

^^^Words outta my mouth…

I watched "Lady in the Water" in high school (I figured it be a cool magical realism-type movie); I've watched movies that were worse but I don't think I've watched a movie that made me anywhere as angry at having wasted my time as that piece of garbage.
That's all, I don't have anything to actually add to the

What, a brotha can't twirl?

I think people forget that April was a teenager when P&R started and, aside from Andy and occasionally Tom, the least emotionally mature person in the main cast. So most of her reactions in S1-3 makes sense as a young person stuck in a dead-end job surrounded by adults who are oddly intense about things that she

Watched The Shield while it aired, just finished S1 of The Wire a couple of days ago. Gimme another couple months, I'll get back to you with a final verdict.

Just to clarify, it was Michael saying "We gonna do how we do regardless. But don't think they don't keep score", not Terri.

Folks, we've really been missing the biggest, most pressing issue: WWJD?
As in, If Will Smith isn't nominated for an Oscar for playing Deadshot, what will Jada do?
And how will Janet Hubert respond?

*grumble, grumble, Hancock, grumble, grumble*

Don't look now but USA is in full-on AMC re-branding mode. If this show hits like Colony and Mr. Robot, we can say goodbye to "Blue Skies"…

I always found those stories a bit suspect.

Does anyone else remember the Inventory they posted about "How could the same thing happen again?" in sequels? Because this definitely should be on that list.

The A.V. Club Internet is really not all that great at subtlety and nuance, and has proven to make a huge shit mess of sarcasm.
*Fixed that for you.

Regina King's character calling in a favor from her police officer friend may be one of the best scenes on TV in a while. It wasn't showy or heavy with dialogue but it gave great insight into the character: here is a woman who won't hesitate to call the police for something as petty as being cut off. Why? Because she

How many times can I actually upvote this? As a matter of fact, I'm starting a petition to make this the official motto of The A.V. Club…
*Opens new tab, is too lazy to search for "We The People".

No, because who would investigate? That's the strength of his power, anytime they get the feeling "Something isn't right about that" , there's a voice in their heads saying "It was a joke, don't worry about it." So if one cop says, "Why didn't we stop that woman with the severed head?", the other cop would respond "

This injustice is making me thirsty.

Don't do it? Thanks Frankie…

I read that as "thin white d*ke" and was confused…

That sounds like a Wes Anderson version of TWBB…and I would totally watch it.