
I loved Rock-a-Doodle but it scared the hell out of me in certain scenes…

But I enjoyed Nia Long and yet another sexually ambiguous turn by Will Smith (who was still best known as The Fresh Prince).

In my head, I'm just combining the titles of both. I'd rather watch Slow Owls over Night Learners

Not really the same premise it just hits some of the same notes: boss has a mistress, mid-level employee is in love with said mistress, said mistress ODs at a home that is not her own, shenanigans constantly are ensuing. Eh, nowadays I guess that's close enough, huh?

Really great micro expressions from Tennant during that exchange. One minor complaint: it appeared as though her home was actually on Higgins Drive with Birch Street being the cross street but Jessica recites it the other way around.

And now I have Aldous Snow and the Infinite Sorrow stuck in my head…

Based on that subplot with Hope, Litchfield exists in the MCU…

Just finished the episode. While Jess was talking to Trish about being surveiled, I realized that the first four episodes are what It Follows should've been as a movie. The anxiety, the paranoia, the anger at trying to convince anyone that this being exists even though they haven't seen it. It was perfect, especially

Well that's disappointing…

Side note: He's Just Not That Into You would've been much better if it had superheroes…

Definitely not the same agent that got her "Fargo". Cuz she's definitely not a mom and has been killing it all season.

I read it as Gretchen genuinely had a few moments where she could feel and what she felt was some satisfaction but then Jimmy informed her that the whole thing was artificial and engineered to some how "fix" her and she is robbed of her moment. Plus she realizes that despite his words, Jimmy never intends on leaving

This is the thing I enjoyed maybe the most about tonight's episode. They didn't present Nina as some home wrecker but as someone with a genuine flirtation (that greasy hair insult she directed at Gretchen is valid, she wouldn't know about Gretchen's depression) and they also allowed Jimmy to work through his issues in

That's where I recognize her! It's really night and day between those roles…

I was hoping this would just involve the Murray brothers, Bill, Joel, etc. With a special appearance by Eddie Murray.

Halfway through the decade, I have no problem with this distinction.
*I'm assuming the author was alluding to "Wrecking Ball".

You say that, but there is a mashup of Party in the USA and Biggie's Party & Bullshit that shouldn't work but it somehow does…

I don't know that she is, given the episode. We find out there was another son who's older than Dodd and nothing about Dodd-Simone says father-daughter (yeah I know Dodd's a nut case and sexist but still). Something has seemed off going back to him beating her with the car door. AND while she's talking to Mike, Simone

Yeah, I would say, he wakes up disoriented (probably concussed), heard the radio and responds. He definitely wouldn't be in the proper state of mind to re-enter the home and accomplish a thorough search. Even a seasoned officer could break protocol in such a situation.

This needs hella more upvotes…