
*Yells at bullet suspended directly in front of him

Yeah, really…

Well now he's on Master of None and my brain is thoroughly wrinkled.

I think, it may be how the show is being presented by critics. When I read about the show before its premiere, it was presented as "Wow, Aziz Ansari has surpassed the "Tom Haverford/Raaaandy" expectations that we've had of him with this show". So, no, I don't think Masters of None is revolutionary but in fact

Excuse my ignorance, but Nina was played by a different address this week than the Halloween episode, correct?
Also, I knew that Gretchen would just mail the letters because she hasn't been paying any attention, can't wait to see the fallout of Jimmy's love letter to Becca.
"Alabama English people" indeed

The look on Edgar's face when she said that…

I honestly loved the conversation Dev and Danvers had on the way from the game. Because Danvers was straight up with him: Yeah, networks could take chances and allow for more than one minority in lead roles and lose money every time the show is unsuccessful OR they could stick with the formula that leads them to

Or there would be a "sudden resurgence" in historical drama set in the 1700s to early 1900s.

See, I'm the exact opposite, I associate him so strongly with Archer that I couldn't get through the one episode of Bob's Burgers I tried to watch.

*Looks over shoulder, sees Jeb Bush approaching

Damn, until you described it like that I never thought of the whole "Dr. Yacub" origin story in LOTR terms but it's pretty close.

I agree that ep 2 is much better than ep 1 but I always find it difficult to dismiss certain portrayals as "generalizations" or not "nuanced" enough. Some real-life people are actually cliches, some guys are actually sadsacks, some kids are actually psychos (where else would adult psychos come from?).
Cliches are

I wonder if Roger Sterling ever spent any time in the Low Countries?

The joke has already been made a few times but to summarize: No one show this ad to Kirk Cameron…

I enjoyed District 9 and Snowpiercer so what does that make me?

I didn't think it was possible but we got a song that was almost as cringeworthy as "Daddy's Boy" from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.
"Father Joseph to Father Bro-seph to Father Bro to Father Brah!"
Am I the only one who thinks Greg looks kinda like Billy Eichner? Like I could definitely see a Billy on the Street episode

I got a Steve-O notification for this?!

Damn, y'all speaking my language. I was trying to scroll as slowly as possible but you still got me with Chucky. And Tales from the Crypt (my brother still makes fun of me for that) and the monster from 20,000 Feet (But my fear is the one from the movie, which is freaking terrifying).

I'm just posting observations instead of trying to compile complete sentences:
1. Knew it was gonna be an amazing episode when I say Justin Kirk, the only reason that Weeds was tolerable after S1.
2. The wife looked like the lost sister from HAIM. (To the point I actually thought it was the oldest one)
3. When Gretchen

One other insight I wanted to add is the similarities of the Gerhardt family and those directly involved to the Corleone family of The Godfather. Not perfect copies but definitely intriguing similarities.
Otto = Vito Corleone (The flashbacks and anecdotes also tie in the generational building of a criminal empire,