delta one

Does the “A” in android stand for asshole?

Looks fantastic, cannot wait.

Damn Michael B Jordan can even make roofs wet (I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry for this joke, I’m so sorry)

The answer to “Have you been drinking?” Is ALWAYS “I had a glass of wine with dinner.”

Similar to the bloody nose I got while trying to bring all of the groceries in from the car in one trip.

She admitted in a Congressional Hearing to lying for the President.

I never heard someone do a Terrence Howard impersonation before, a Brit doing an American accent trying to do a Terrence Howard impersonation, thats Dark Web level acting there

It was definitely Terrance Howard.

I too thought it was Terrance Howard.

You know what?

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

Code for the “VicTsing Upgraded External CD Drive” returns expired.

Code for the “VicTsing Upgraded External CD Drive” returns expired.

I do. I’d rather read stuff on my 27" screen than the 5" screen on my phone.

Literally everyone I am friends with uses a computer to browse the web, among other non-work-related things.

You know, a lot of people read Kinja sites at work...on a computer.

“I don’t use a computer to read web content, and my friends don’t use computers to read web content, therefore nobody does”

“I don’t use a computer to read web content, therefore nobody does”

I would consider auto play videos, and popups that make you wait 5 seconds before a page load are good examples of obnoxious.

if you guys ever adjust your ads to be less batshit crazy obnoxious, please write an article alerting us. until then you will remain adblocked.

I’d rather see him and Channing Tatum do a comedy together, preferably a bromance