delta one

I didn't peg you for a Foursquare user. For some reason I still assume people mostly use Facebook check-ins. Do you use both or mostly Foursquare?

The percentage doesn't mean a whole lot to me to be honest. I've actually given larger tips to waitresses that did a terrible job. Although I honestly felt bad because she had a crappy job across the street from a school full of snobs. Thought it might change her point of view on her customers.

"To be quite honest I may not use it at all during my meal."

I'm a tech geek. It'll take a lot more than 5-10% to hold my phone hostage.

That artistic ability to make one single picture with Legos alone is awesome enough. But to have it transform from Batman to Joker is just flat out sick.

Dude... I sincerely thank you for the motivation!

For some reason Mellymel Balla strikes me as the type of dude that'd be addicted to Farmville.

Just counting the days, Sam. Just counting the days...

That'll teach you to spam me with Farmville requests...

Samsung should've known they were asking for trouble when they declined the licensing. What did they think Apple would just let it go?

I love how in the article it's the "creepy guy you're trying to escape" but if it's a guy giving a girl an out of town area code he's an asshole.

Exactly, I'd be just as freaked out to know someone ran up the cards I have saved on Amazon, even if the items shipped directly to me.

Nope, I'm intelligent. You're the only fucking moron in this thread. But it's hard for you to tell because you're a moron ;)

I'm just curious, how the hell did you know I had done tech support? Or was that a lucky guess?

Yeah you kinda are. You assume that because something is easy that it isn't a chore. Do you find it difficult to vacuum? Do you get easily confused by washing dishes? No, but they're still chores.

Yeah, online. Then you gotta wait for it to be delivered.

Wow, and his mom already has a dock?! And you KNEW that?! Fucking amazing!

As much as I love a good deal (and those are) I think you need to put it into the context of the story. Because that is ordering online, which I'm sure when he went to his mom's house she'd probably just opt to have one picked up that day to move things along.

Yeah he kinda left out several steps there.