delta one

Ok, so are you saying that you want him to replace the new hard drive with the old one by transferring it from the old laptop to the new one (because that already sounds like a stupid idea)?

Plug in old internal hard drive from laptop? Yeah that is gonna be a chore.

Had to.

At a quick glance I thought that was a microphone. I need to slow down on my skimming. Although that's an effing sweet looking coffee maker.

My thoughts exactly. A bit of a weak reaction.

The feature isn't a waste of time, I think that is freaking awesome. A long-winded video of it failing to work is the waste of time. I wasn't sure if you were dense or being oddly sarcastic.

"Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it."

That looks like that's being modeled by Rosa

I remember when Giz did an article on the stand alone Siri app when it was released (before Apple purchased). It was freaking amazing. I would just say things like "I need a haircut" and it would be quick and legit. It was unreal at the time and I was so excited when it was released built into the iPhone.

Holy shit, dude

It's available!

I've had this avatar ready to go since Gawker rolled out! My star stays mine!

Or so I've heard...

Yeah but we still can't default it :(

Yeah that is kind of weak. But it makes sense when you consider getting it to more people faster.

Hot damn! I love me some sweet, sweet variety!

Don't hold your breath.

No I agree, content is a major decision when it comes to my purchase. In the past I've considered going to other platforms from my iPhone but the apps alone have kept me iOS.

Did you mean to post this comment for me? I think the commenting system might have gotten you.