delta one

I don't think that was intentional hate on the other mobile platforms. I think it's just the fact that when Apple announces something they put tons of images on their site to display all of their new features.

Exactly! And now that they're all pretty much neck and neck they will all be driving each other to do something better. The true meaning of competition is finally at play and we are getting to reap the benefits.

For real man. Over the past few years I could look at one mobile OS and just go "meh, that one sucks so I'll narrow down to these options."

Yeah I completely agree. I'm so impressed with Microsoft lately and it feels damn good to say that! They've stepped it up so much this year.

This is such an awesome time for technology. Every one of those mobile OS platforms being compared is effing badass in their own ways.

I see where you're going with that, but not everyone thinks like a Giz reader. A lot of people, lets say my aunts and uncles, might not be too familiar with fb privacy settings, in the way that millions aren't. So they may have never setup their account to only allow friends and/or friends of friends to view their

The whole "Like" system is all effed up, too. I hate that if someones comments on my photo I can't like there comment just from the notification or news feed.

I don't know, a lot of people will hide things from just specific people. But going that extra step to hide from certain people isn't helping much if it's being broadcasted like this.

Mother of god that annoys me so much.

Have it auto forward your yahoo emails to your gmail account. Then reply from your gmail account. People will slowly update there contact info for you. That's how I've gotten out of old addresses without missing anything.

Wait a sec...

Ha ha! It kinda reminds me of the jacket you always say Jesus wearing in his pictures. Regardless I think it is a cool bag.

Damn I like that. You've got good taste.

It's not for me.

I used to get my eggs from a farm and this would happen to almost every egg I got as well. Double yolk almost every single time.

Oh... COME ON!!

haha! pretty genius.

Damn I missed this one the first time around.

Thanks man!

Haha, I'd definitely have to go for the low-end model if I even get close to justifying this purchase to my wife (we just had our first son in March). So if the base model is anything like the iPad I should have one is half a year roughly.