delta one

Ok I'm only asking this because I'm guess you upgraded with a dev account. If not please ignore!

Are you serious? Where I work we have mostly HP laptops and if I ever ask to borrow a power cord I'll be damned if I'm not brought several and have to pick which one works.

"...with one or two days each year not belonging to any month."

Here they simply call it Truck Month. But in the commercials, they basically yell it, like "TRUUUUUUCK MOOOOONTH!!!1!ELEVEN!!

Can you believe it? I can't...

Yeah I've kinda been the same way. I've owned the iPhone 3gs and iPhone 4s, as well as the iPad 1 and the new iPad. I try to skip buying every year and do every other year instead.

I wonder if there will be any unannounced changes to the Notification Center for the iPad. I really want to get some Widgets going in there and I feel we should at least get the same ones the iPhone has.

Straight from Apple's website: "*Siri will be available only on iPhone 4S and iPad (3rd generation) and requires Internet access."

Let's not jump to conclusions. We're hours away from finding shit out, I think we should hold on and see what happens.

That's badass, man! I'm picking a couple up on my way home then just so I don't forget to have them around. Thanks for the update!

I must be rich, and we can just file this under first world problems then.

I think a lot of people might be sold on the idea of newer iPads but just can't afford it. I upgraded to the new iPad this year, but the conditions were just right. Typically I wouldn't be able to. And now that my son is born it's going to be more than a few years before I imagine replacing my iPad. If anything my

That or bookmark blog.gizmodo.com

If the cost of an iPad is a fortune, then I'm a lot wealthier than I once thought!

Haha! Dude that was so good.

Make sure to post when you get to one. You have my curiosity peaked now.

Dang... and you fully committed, too.

Am I the only one that read this in Ron Burgandy's voice?