delta one

"Every morning, you either use an environmentally-unfriendly disposable cup, a disgusting, gunked-up-with-toothpaste cup to rinse out, or your strain your neck to bend over and drink out of the faucet."

Dude... that is awesome.

Maybe it's the hairy manleg but something's off about it for me. If it had been on a cute girl's body that would've been great.

I definitely think it's ugly but points for picking the right console.


I wish Apple was gathering these patents to protect themselves from lawsuit, with the intention to never bother anyone over it.

Ugh, that sounds like a nightmare. Most of my posts are mobile uploads that I go back and alter later from a computer.

Way to go, now everyone will know where he's at.

You know we're always willing to listen to your ideas.

Haha! It took me a second to see what you did there, but I see what you did there.

That and a lot of people who use facebook apps experience a bitch of a time making certain posts public to only some people. I love how I can manipulate the privacy settings on a desktop. But god forbid I want to get elaborate on my phone.

So mother effing genius! If I were Mark I'd give you a percentage of that idea. But knowing him he won't do that. But still...

Whoever doesn't get that joke went full retard.

Yeah I guess let's wait and see how much it costs. After considering that it can't be cheap, I suspect you're right.

I do notice the curves that you're describing, but ironically I see them more as nostalgic and old fashioned. That's pretty funny how our minds are working through this!

I said that because the design IS pleasing.

Cool concept and clever idea. I think a lot of small businesses would want one. I could even picture Urban Outfitters using these.

I hear tons of healthcare companies are using it.

replying to promote

First off, I use all of my fingers to type when I type on my iPad's touchscreen, not just two fingers. Or I use my wireless keyboard.