delta one

You don't look like a pretentious douche.

"You're the most shot-out 23 year old I've ever seen."

"—and if software troubleshooting takes several days, your IT department probably has bigger issues than iPads."

True... although in a law class we looked at that case, and to be honest there were more details to the story than what most people know.

Sounds like a mistake anyone can make. It isn't like he's spraying it right in front of the grill. Certainly doesn't seem like anything he should be given a hard time about.

On a good note though, AT&T's 4g LTE was able to download it in about 4 minutes!

Wow and the file size checks in at mother f'ing 1,387MB!

Ugh, don't get me started on those commercials. They weren't even done right. Just Hollywood names with such great missed potential for humor. I saw John Malkovich and I thought it was going to be hilarious with him screaming or flipping out or something. Instead it was incredibly dull.

I don't know man we all have our good days and bad. We get our buttons pushed and I guess mine is when it comes to someone saying it doesn't make a difference whether or not someone being killed is a child.

They did mention during their keynote that it was in beta. They actually made it a point to make that very clear. But I do agree the general population probably didn't watch. But it would seem weird to mention the word "beta" during an advertisement.

I wasn't starred based on that reaction. Who cares about how I got my star anyway? If you want you can dig through my old comments to find out how I got it.

I'm right, you're wrong ;)

Age does have a difference. YOU remove the difference. But the fact that there are differing ages PROVES there is a difference. Don't get butthurt over it.

Just as I see it inappropriate to see children after a NSFW tag, I see it equally inappropriate to find images of them dead. I still agree with him.

How is this not here yet?

No I agree with him, children should be off limits. I don't mind gory, but there need to be some boundaries.

Wouldn't have stressed me out so much if it wasn't so freaking windy.

I didn't think I needed the /sarcasm

Haha, she's probably really 24 years old.

Interesting perspective. Never saw it in that light.