
@mr_godot: Well, it is Devil May Cry. The sword could look different when it's not Sparda. I mean, it's not THAT different, and they have redesigned Dante, why not the swords? I know for sure those guns aren't exactly the same as the original Ebony and Ivory.

@troncoparati: This. This. A thousand times This. It irritates me that people are getting so pissy over a character design. The best bit is, half of them will blame NT 100%, when it's Inafune who wanted him to be redesigned. You know, the guy who made him!? Honestly, the internet is irritating sometimes...

@chefgon: To be honest, I don't think it's that they had no idea where to take it, so much as they were testing the waters with putting a video camera on an iPod for this years Touch.

@chefgon: If this happens next year, I'm buying one on day 1. Alongside some Bluetooth headphones obviously.

@AndroidTeamStrike: I was more getting at the fact that you can't compare the iTunes store to Steam. In Steam, everything you own is there in a list, you just install it, no extra charges.

@MaxellDVD1: True. It would save a lot of trouble if you end up smashing a bottle or putting a massive hole in your drywall/plasterboard.

@The Anti-Fanboy: Seriously? Did you really need to put that last sentence in? It just made the entire comment seem distasteful.

@mrClint: +1 to what Azel said. I'm 20, never broken the law, only gotten drunk on special occasions, never done drugs (I don't even smoke). Youth =/= Stupid.

@RGMVX: You make it sound like the driver went out with the intention of killing someone. I'm not condoning what they did my any means, don't get me wrong, but I highly doubt she had any malicious intent.

@mkr10001: The article is about getting the remote on the Apple earphones onto a normal pair of earphones that don't suck. Try reading the article next time.

@silvermoonstar3: B: Was for 5 1/4" Floppies. They were actually floppy too.

@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: unless you, you know, don't drink beer, or you drink it from a can?

@ummtacos: It's easy enough to follow. "put the bottle in your shoe, hit it, pull out cork." Just try not to do it so much or so hard that the cork comes out on its own. You'll ruin many a carpet that way.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: True, but most iPhone apps barely break the 100MB line, let alone the 15GB line you're looking at for a PS3 game.

@ddhboy: I guess you've never heard of the iTunes store.

@Brian Stanaland: That is one thing that puts me off OS X. The dock just seems so big and intrusive. Yes, I know it can be hidden, but I shouldn't have to have my task manager hide offscreen just so it's not taking up an inch of it.

@Terry: True dat. Also, it just makes it easier. I was a bartender in a hotel for about a year, until I moved halfway across the world. We did a lot of weddings, and with weddings comes toast drinks of sparkling wine/champagne. so much easier to use the "beer method", because you get the room done quicker.

Firefox instilled this in me so much, I discovered it accidentally in Vista, when Firefox suddenly decided to just quit while I was reading something. I think it was a flash issue. I dunno...