
Mario All Stars :P

Sorry, but even with the inherent lack of tone you get with anything written on the internet, that was blatant sarcasm.

Any chance of a link to that wallpaper? Looks pretty nice :)

Are you people absolutely idiotic? Did you even watch the video? He said you can use whichever UI you want to use. This is primarily for touch screens, hence the major influence from WP7.

Maybe, but I know which browser I turn to when I only have a GPRS or EDGE connection.

Everyone's workflow is different. The iPad's could be used for streaming stuff like Twitter and other social sites.

I've actually been using this on most of my cables for a few years, and it works great for earphones - especially when you keep them in your pocket most of the time.

That's actually how it's pronounced in most places. The only place I've ever heard "Know-kia" come from is the US.

The iPhone has higher quality parts. The screen on the iPod Touch 4G has a much narrower viewing angle for one thing. There's also the lower quality camera, lower quality speaker etc.

@Leonick: Every pair I've had has been really tinny, and they've always been very leaky (not sure if that's the audiophile term). Obviously YMMV, but for me they've always been a bit lacklustre, which always leads to me going out and buying a new pair of earphones.

@ep3232: You're aware that local police forces and the FBI don't actually... You know what, never mind...

@Leonick: I'd use it more, but the stock headphones are godawful, and all the remote-bearing alternatives I've tried have broken in a matter of weeks. Apple need to start making half decent earbuds. Hell, I'd settle for quarter-decent.

@thepenguin55: He's my Spanish house keeper. He also teaches me how to play games... I should probably start paying him soon...

@Kardster: Just log in once, and it just does it automatically after that. Does for me anyway.

@Chispea: I think he means Calendar, Weather, Notification, that kind of thing.

@Kaiser-Machead: No, you can only view pages that you click a link for. You can't search through the store without iTunes :(

@KillerBee: Right click the desktop, ViewLarge/Medium/Small Icons.

@cc: I draw in mine. I'm a good artist by any stretch of the imagination, but it feels better to draw in than my other, larger sketchpad. Might just be the smaller pages though, or a "placebo" effect, as in "I spent £13 on this, it must be better!"

This video taught me something. I had no idea I could use street view on an iPhone. Awesome.