
More needless negativity from Kotaku. I’m sensing a trend lately. Just because a game is different or not what you want, doesn’t make it shit.

I do not play gatcha games, but I know people that do and they enjoy them. Shoot many people do or they wouldn’t be so popular.

I often wonder why someone( my Mom lol) throwing

This whole article: “For people to lazy to use Google, please send me questions in the comments so I can write another article.”

It was selling just fine with the 2.0? 

This article is 1500 words that could have been replaced with “I am very poor at suspending disbelief.”

Her press secretary’s response is the best response. Why even respond?

I would never fault a life long spouse for staying loyal and trying to garner campaign support, and I am glad Biden as the selected Dem candidate won the election.

Look Rapaport is trash and a horrible person. But can we not try to downplay Durant here? Rapaport being horrible does not excuse Durant AT ALL.

You need to do some more research. A lot of what you said is incorrect.

The only thing I disagree with in this entire piece is that a baseball bat isn’t worthy of love. I had a Nike bat in high school/college that I absolutely loved more than most people. 

You are using the “No True Scotsman” fallacy on race. And since race is some made-up shit you can sorta get away with it. But I tell you, if my daughters are black enough to get a heaping dose of racism, they are black enough to be black.

Seems like Markle is not black enough for you to defend her, and not white enough

Some of us just flag without comment.

It’s his thing and unfortunately you’re one of very few to call him out. Occasionally throws some casual homophobia in there too.

Seems like someone is missing the point.  Just blame fuckers who vote for Trump. 

Not my “independent” (ie, Republican) TEXAN dad! Not a friend of mines insanely wealthy REPUBLICAN TEXAN dad. Not some people in my neighborhood:


uh you do realize dems are the minority in the senate right?  That’s not dropping the ball so much as having the ball taken away and locked in the closet.  Jesus stop whining like a bitch.

FUCK OFF. I am so tired of this whiny sentiment.

For context the expression he used meant that it was easy for him to use the controls because it works the same as a video game, not that it was joyful. That’s a really posh British way to put it, but if you see the interview he wasn’t really happy about it, and has been quite open about having follow on issues as a

I worked on one in upstate New York.  I saw none of that.  I thought it was pretty amazing to be part of, and I think the families were always happy.  Was it over the top?  Yes.  Hence the name of the show.  Nobody didn’t know what they were getting into, and it was incredibly competitive to be part of.  Ty is not an

I owned one as a kid, and the reason wasn’t that my parents were clueless, it was that the Atari hadn’t really become the default console yet. My Dad and I played the Odyssey baseball game in a store and knew immediately we had to have it.