
The thing is, what they want to impeach him for is not PERHAPS illegal, it is SPECIFICALLY illegal, and thus easily impeachable. All the other stuff he did may be objectively worse, but harder to make a case for. It’s getting Al Capone on tax evasion. Not the worst thing he did, just the thing they could pin on him.

All you are doing it lowering a random number that might decrease your risk. It’s not the raw number of extensions that cause you to be potentially breached, it’s the one bad one you installed. You are not really reducing your risk of HIV by having unprotected sex with only 5 people instead of 8.

limiting your number of extensions is less than useless advice. That’s like saying to protect yourself from HIV, don’t have so much sex. Or when you drive without a seatbelt, stay off the highway. Just pay attention to the ones you use, and purge out the ones that aren’t doing anything for you.

I literally just finished up some Honey bunches oats so I could start my Family size Apple Jacks. I’m 50, and I have no shame at all.

Also, can’t tell if that song is transphobic or the 80's version of trans positive.

Wouldn’t that violate copyright law? I mean, you can back up/digitize what you own, so you can certainly pay someone to do it, but David did it for you, then kept the record...is that legal? You no longer have the media you backed up.

it’s amazing how much of the world isn’t in New York.

I grind so hard I’ve cracked 2 teeth in half.

I understand the anger and frustration, but please don’t minimize anyone’s mental health issues.

People always said Bush jr seemed like a guy you could have a beer with. Sadly not a great criteria for president but not one that most people rule out.

I don’t think New Zealand has quite the same history of cops and shootings as America, I’m not sure it’s a worthy comparison.

At one point, ya’ll are going to learn everyone is inhuman and imperfect. And that personal growth is a lifetime change, not a sudden, “i’m  woke” process.

I also wish female director Anna Boden was given full reign for this film instead of being latched onto male co-director Ryan Fleck

The insidious problem of any libertarian is that they always make sense for the first 5 minutes they talk. It’s that 6th minute where you realize they are crazy pants. It’s not that they want less government or fewer taxes or whatever, it’s that they want their way and only their way and fuck everyone else as they are

show tackles what many black folks have had to encounter in the education system: compacting black history facts within one month—the shortest month

They do, and they also ask other white people to perform whatever cultural touchstones they represent. Or in my case, as an Italian American, I constantly get asked if I’m in the mob, know mobsters, etc etc, and I get to enjoy them all saying EyeTalian which drives me bug fuck because my ancestors did not come from

Chris Evans doesn’t play Captain America, the man IS Captain America.

This seems like such a made up BS story I can’t even. But as a Minnesota resident, I can say that I would not be shocked that someone would think using a comb is a good substitute in the right sort of hangry situations one might find oneself.

you can educate all you want, but, shit happens. I like that my car at least tries to help  out by not cutting a kid in two.

As an Italian American, I’m more than fine with changing it. I never understood the celebration of Columbus, even when I was required to do a report on him back in 1980 or so. But yeah, Italians can be super racist.