I also use the analogy that when when discussing Breast Cancer Awareness people don’t/shouldn’t pop up with “All Cancers Matter.”
I also use the analogy that when when discussing Breast Cancer Awareness people don’t/shouldn’t pop up with “All Cancers Matter.”
Did you read the f*cking article? Get out of here with that bullshit.
It’s dangerous to critisize anime in places like these but let me try to be as diplomatic as possible.
First of let me comment on your recommendation. It’s nice to base your picks on Tv shows but you simply can not by default write a serialized and a procedural of that polar opposite (i.e. Criminal Minds & True…
The Child, for the most part, was portrayed by a very real, very expensive puppet, so no uncanny valley 3D nonsense there... also, it had hair and it was pretty noticeable. maybe you were watching it on an iWatch?
I dunno, looks pretty darn cute and nice and friendly to me.
Sorry Luke you're wrong bud. The kid is adorable.
Honestly, I’m enjoying this game so much and love it a lot. In fact, that’s a big reason I wrote this. If this game wasn’t great, I wouldn’t have thought much about the Force and how it works in the game. But because it is soooo good and everything feels like Star Wars, this element stuck out a bit more and I wanted…
We all know that every good Ford name in history works better with the word “Anal” in front of it.
Apologies to jump into the comments of a review of a film I’m in but NO the carbon footprint is NOT REMOTELY the same as F1 and that should be obvious to anyone.
Here at the Game Developer’s Conference in San Francisco, there’s an increasing momentum for the action that game…
If you really want the “Heather isn’t fucking around version,” here it is:
Loot boxes are, ignoring the hair splitting of insufferable pedants like yourself, gambling. They are crafted, from probabilities to visual to their contents, to condition individuals and encourage repeated purchase and use. People with…
You’re discussing Fan Theory as though it was actual canon and not just head-canon. I appreciate that the theory has been framed in such a way that it ticks the necessary boxes but...