
“better there are open channels of communications” Fuck you, there are no lines of communication for anyone on the right that doesn’t entail making white men wealthier or more powerful. Rex Tillerson is not doing anything but cowtowing to Russia, and plundering the Earth’s resources to make Exxon slightly more richer

So Musk is defending a competent and scrupulous opportunist. Objectively he is not wrong but like the past election he is basically rejecting any form of common human decency and continues to lower the public discourse. Seems the space exploring visionary lives by very simple truths after all.

Sure. But Musk has the resources to set an example by not play ball with demagogues. “It’s better for business” will be the excuse of everyone with the power to stand in Trump’s way until there’s no one left to protect those of us who don’t.

I like Musk but this to me just underscores that billionaires are shitty at politics.

First, I am a woman. Second,

Isn’t it a bit problematic to concern ourselves with micro-aggressions against a privileged and powerful white person who orchestrated the election of a fascist which has resulted in MACRO-aggressions against POC, especially Muslim women? This bitch is a fucking Nazi (or worse- an opportunist who promotes neo-Nazism)

You "just don't understand" why someone wouldn't want to share? Are you serious? Just because you happen to have had conversations with people who actually ARE FROM ABROAD and IDENTIFY WITH ANOTHER CULTURE does not give you license to ask people who are VISIBLY "FOREIGN" but who have grown up in the US and do NOT

As a linguist, I think it's worth pointing out that "bland" and "flat" are entirely a matter of perspective. You seem bland and flat to you, because your accent is normal to you. As an American I've been told by another American, "You speak English very well!" just because of my accent. I'm from the Pacific Northwest,

the other issue is that even knowing your heritage is a privilege. i will never know exactly where my ancestors came from and was painfully reminded of that during high school family tree projects where all of my white classmates could trace their family back to queens and the like and i was like um...slavery is a

I'm white with a very non-WASP name. It's a combination of my parents' names, actually, but it sounds vaguely like it could be some non-English word for 'peace' or 'beauty' or something. I just automatically explain its origins after introductions, without being asked, the second I get the blank stare—because it always

Everyone has an accent, even you.

I don't like it because it automatically puts you on the outside of the in group and then people continue with the conversation in an "us versus them" way, unkowingly. Also, it is super awkward in a work situation.

All too often, this line of questioning is followed by [broad lame stereotype about whatever ethnicity/nationality you are]. "So you must be good at math?" "So are you a good driver?" etc. I was at a conference and this PR guy I know a bit came up to the young woman in a booth and asked "What's your ethnic

I can generally understand the fact that some people are more sensitive to getting typecast by their race, or that there are certain people who, upon finding out that you have a certain heritage, will just talk with you nonstop about things regarding that heritage, and that can get grating. It's like, come on guys,

Thanks so much for this article. As a Well-Meaning White Lady (tm) I realized - mere seconds after making a statement - that I accidentally put a job candidate in this position a year ago. She's my senior and she got the job, but I still feel like a jackass, and I should. It's a very common mistake made by white folks

My brother-in-law is Mexican American, lives in Houston. Marrying into our fishbelly white family of affluent scientist types who live near Rice U in a Very Big House.

First, I very much enjoyed reading that. Everything about it was delightful.

One of my most loathed questions. Please... just don't ask. And really, why would you? Yes if you know me and we've been hanging out for years and we're friends... then fine. But as an early stage question?!?
I'm brown skinned.... but I've got SEVEN generations between me and India. So to ask me my

Ugh I hate these questions. I am multi-racial and didn't even have it all figured out until recently and I still get screwed up when trying to explain it. I wish people would just accept "I'm mixed" and leave it at that. Nope, they have to know all the details.

It is sort of only kind of cool. My dad is from Russia and has maintained a pretty thick accent despite living here for 35 years. People will interrupt him in the middle of a conversation about something else to ask where he is from and he always gets shifty and uncomfortable. It is just frankly not relevant, and also