
Fake fake news!

I was having this conversation with my buddy last week: do think he will do this again next season? I mean it’s not like he’s going to dial it back, right? We concluded that unless the Thunder bring in someone truly marquee, which is unlikely, this will just keep going.

Actually I spelled David Frum correctly, thanks.

David Frum. The extremely famous former speechwriter who is now a senior editor at The Atlantic by dint of having been George W. Bush’s speechwriter. You absolute horse’s ass. 

Every time a conservative complains about liberals needing safe spaces, aren’t they really just asking for one themselves? Schilling wants a place where he can be immune from criticism and differing opinions, and tries to shut out people who disagree. Isn’t that exactly what he thinks a safe space is?

I mean, no, I didn’t think of terrorism. Aren’t all our public transportation systems in, you know, a terrible state of disrepair? Because some people think paying taxes is bad?

Mind. Blown.

Wait, 4,000 a game? That’s much, much higher than I’d imagined for USL. Are they among the top draws?

I can’t speak for all USMNT fans, but I think Bradley was a far better tactician than Klinsmann is. Bradley understood the strengths and weaknesses of the USMNT, and developed a strategy around it. But fans grew tired of the counter-attack approach that defined Bradley’s tenure (even though it got decent results).

The interesting thing about US Soccer under Bradley was that they kinda played their own style of soccer, which, while not that pretty to everybody outside of the USA, got results. And it was something you could relate to as a Yankee, “welp, we’re totally outmatched here talent and resources wise, but let’s bog down

No, it still beats me down every single day (okay, obviously an exaggeration) but his line-up’s were just as questionable as Friday’s abomination. Take 2010 World Cup Round of 16, where he for some reason plays Ricardo Clark for no reason and then withdraws him after 31' and hugs him to say “It’s my fault.” Countless

The federal budget deficit has declined every year from 2009 to 2015 already.

Haha, thanks. Fascist scum!

On the one hand, pretty gross. On the other hand, actually really gross, but at least he and Carney have done what they needed to do to get out of having to attend the annual Jonathan Thurston Is Better Than You gala otherwise known as State of Origin.

It was definitely weird trying to remember how I was forced to write in high school.