
@ilostmypants: As I recall the brakes are cable actuated instead of hydraulic, but I could be wrong. Even with hydraulic, you could have a coupler system that would prevent leakage and air bubbles.

So if Obama cancelled manned mars and moon missions, why the hell are we spending money researching what kind of car we'll drive when we get there?

The day that I let my battery die and get a jumpstart, only to have the govt shut down my engine next to the train tracks, which lets face it, is going to be in the scary part of town, and then I get mugged, beaten, or killed, I am totally gonna be pissed!

What ever happened to the Carbon Motors Purpose built Police Car?

@Kaiser-Machead: If I am not mistaken the Lenovo x200t has a capacitive multitouch screen with a Wacom digitizer. Not only feasible, but on the market right now. Wacom digitizers are extremely common on Tablets that run Windows, they have been for years. Up till now they have been combined with resistive screens (as

Lame design. I am all over a nice design as long as it does not impede functionality. I do think the thing is attractive, but it is very impractical. This thing is going to have cables running out of the back/side toward the top. How is that going to look nice. Where am I going to set it? Is it supposed to look like

So in most countries you cannot challenge a law in court unless you have specifically been negatively affected or penalized by the law. You can't always just sue over laws that would seem to unfairly infringe rights unless your rights have actually been infringed. In this case he was exercising his right to make a

@blash: I am sorry funds that would be otherwise used teaching kids to read being diverted to look for Extraterrestrials is inappropriate. You have to remember almost all school districts are paid by tax levies approved by voters for the greater good of educating the youth. I am sure if you had a public vote on

@Nitesh Singh: Not only power consumption, but premature wear. When I have ran SETI@Home it has always involved a lot of Hard drive thrashing. Having worked at a VAR that did School District warranties, they go through enough drives as it is, and they also try to get the systems to last well beyond their warranties.

@PurpleMonkeyDishwasher:: I would say the main drawback of solar panels is cost vs payback. To convert my house into running off of %100 solar power (feeding the grid during daylight, and drawing it back at night) It would merely cost me $250,000.00 Now I don't know about you, but I certainly am not going to own this

@Digo: There have been warnings about them for years, it hasn't been for ed, just for symptoms similar to estrogen hormone treatments, so early sexual maturation for girls, and bigger breasts for both women and men.

@RT100: Voss brand bottled water comes in glass cylinders (the spakling stuff is in plastic), spendy as far as bottled watergoes , but the glass bottles are nice and easy to wash with a wide opening.

BPA is a pseudo-estrogen, so it makes sense that it could lead to ED. It is generally found in clear plastics (added to make them less brittle). You might recognize the taste of the stuff, since it taints most bottled water. I am not paranoid about too many environmental pollutants, but lets just say I use a glass

@RicketyCricket: You can't really get that close to the House from Land, plus the town he lives in they will pull you over for driving something as cheap as a $35,000 car (OK maybe I am exaggerating, but I did get pulled over in a brand new Honda Civic for not looking like I fit in) .

@mulderj: Hear Hear, I second the motion. He easily bests Dr. Doom for the list. It looks like they need a new evil genius listinator!

Who the freak is Larry Diller? And furthermore, why exactly would he be so rude and demanding to one of the richest and most powerful men in the world?