
and they can appeal a decision

Both your post and mine have -1 replies. I think I’ve been blacklisted.

It’s about to become KLove’s preferred jump shot method, methinks.

C’mon, this is Deadspin, it’s dick and balls.

This take does not matter.

Processed sugar is his enemy and he is losing.

Someone get Peter Thiel on the phone.

No, reckless was Barnes’ south-north elbone to the back of KLove’s head. Or was it intentional? He sure didn’t give a shit, though he surely knew his hellbow hit something hard hard.

What, do you think that they don’t have the professional legal bullshitters called a P.R. firm calling the shots for them? Each team is a multi-billion dollar firm that makes its money off of debilitating injury to mostly poor and minority players. If anyone believes anything these motherfuckers say, then they’re

But isn’t it better to get brain damage in your hometown?

It’s not that they can’t, it’s that they won’t because they’ve got all the monies and with those the lawyers and with those the powers and with those the fuck all o’ y’alls. Simple, really.

That’s funny, how many billionaires have you heard off that are into personal responsibility for their actions?

You mean all the honest media outlets with no monetary/access ties to the League? I thought I was an idealist :-)

The refs aren’t fuckin around, that’s what’s up.

Don’t be not a cop.

Maybe I’m wrong, but to me he looks like a man concerned about this:

Meh, 68 >>> 69

Excellent points, my brother. Yeah, I’d love to have the resources to really do the math on the totality of fossil fuel usage, then perhaps we could pick and choose our uses more knowledgeably.

Technically, I was wrong. Now I’m right because you guys have corrected me, in ways rather civil for the internet, so I shan’t make that mistake again. Seriously, thanks.

Excellent points! I never thought of that perspective. Thank you very much for expanding my mind.