If this turns out to be true, I'm holding you responsible for spoiling this twist for me Patricia.
If this turns out to be true, I'm holding you responsible for spoiling this twist for me Patricia.
I would have just said "Nano-machines son"
How many movies have you seen in 60fps? Most are 24fps.
Yes. They're super desperate with their commanding sales lead, more powerful system, and less expensive price tag. Sarcastic? What? No. Have another donut.
There's a difference between going for a meal, and going for an experience. Restaurants like that are as much spectacle as they are food.
It's funny because the game isn't as hard as people MAKE it. I think the game has more Final Fantasy fans than MMO fans if you know what I mean. people not even bothering to learn their rotations, know how to maximize their dps, people think their I90 gear makes them good despite the horrible stat allocation, etc etc.
The end I don't care about, but that mount revealed during the beast tribes quest section. Hell yeah, I want me some enslaved bombs suspending me along on a chair swing.
Man, Yoshida is the real live Kevin Butler like CEO, he is very likeable.
Nobody actually cares.
Guns don't kill good game design. People kill good game design.
Agreed. Ni No Kuni is pretty, but no must-play. I'd sooner recommend Blue Dragon.
And I turly disagree with that, because it does it if the most hamfisted way possible.
I don't quite understand the hate that Chrono Cross receives. It was a very enjoyable game even though it wasn't a direct sequel.
there was a point in my life (around 13 years old or so) that I was beating the game every week.
Ni No Kuni? Really? It's pretty, but other then that.....