
Oh, Peach! My absolute favorite character from Melee. She played and moved in a way that was a joy to play and fight with.

No No Kuni ($20) | Amazon

According to a post on Reddit yesterday, Amazon re-started digital sales. US only, though.

Agree on both points. The game is fun and filled of FF-goodness. AND it needs an AFK timer of some sort.

It's great to see articles like this around. Past the annoying server issues there's a great game with an even better soundtrack.

Good read!

I admit I haven't tried it in months, and can't right now, but I'll surely try to download it this weekend to try to input the Humble Bundle codes, and see if they have changed this policy.

Echoing the sentiments of pretty much every other comment: this Humble Bundle is truly amazing. Just discovered the service a couple of weeks ago and have already contributed twice.

One thing I hate about Origin is that for some reason it tends to recognize South American IPs as Europe's. So I can't actually even use the thing because it wants me to pay in Euros. Not to mention lag.

It does look like him. Not sure though. That franchise already went to hell.

Someone photoshop a tear here.

For the sake of making it clear: don't you need to go to the corresponding class guild (after lvl 10) and complete a simple "talk to the GM" to get the weapon?

Just wanted to say: good, intelligent comment!

The entrance sure does look fancy compared to the adjacent buildings.

While I don't consider X bad (I liked it, not my favorite but I liked it) I agree with the sequel thing.

Final Fantasy is like one of those Gods that needs people talking about it to exist (can't remember where I heard that concept). It's a brand so recognizable that even if a game isn't stellar, it's still part of that brand.

Indeed it is! Wasn't expecting him! Great char!


Blocking attemps from Wii U to become a "real next-gen" console...

You can feel like a CSI waiting for a DNA test...