my sympathies all around. yes there are worse things going on in the world but it doesn’t change how you feel. I hope you find one or at the very least enjoy the game despite your experience.
my sympathies all around. yes there are worse things going on in the world but it doesn’t change how you feel. I hope you find one or at the very least enjoy the game despite your experience.
ding ding ding
so begins the shitposting
HE probably the easiest to win Vortex since they’re right there and have insanely high defense and can doomstack some good ranged units. You don’t win Vortex with Skaven, you start Mortal Empires as Ikik and get to actually enjoy blowing shit up.
Why would Tomb Kings not count? Even on normal it’s a 150+ turn game. Because it doesn’t involve the Vortex? Fuck that unless you’re playing High/Dark Elf.
It’s true. The road to 50 is smooth and fast and 50-60 is meaningless because you already have access to the end game.
Not sure about that. 5g is shit unless you’re next to a tower and satellite is too expensive for the speeds they provide.(not to mention ping)
So you mean to say this game shouldn’t have came out for at least another 6+ months?
Yea not sure why anyone is even thinking of it being any time this year? Tthat game has long been in trouble. If it comes out in the next 2-3 years I’ll be surprised and I’m still partially convinced it’s vaporware.
so much for the charity eh
lol linux
This is the way.
Like all crypto it’s 100% a pyramid scheme. Do you think if people were actually making legit money off something, they’d go around telling everyone and their mother? No. They wouldn’t want anyone else in on the game.
earl is still super slept on. one of the best lyricist and rappers I’ve ever heard. Every song is a story with that kid and people don’t even pay attention