
The factions, your origin story being the biggest offenders. I’m too lazy to go look it up now but there was a massive post at launch detailing all the things shown off and talked about in trailers and their Night City episodes that straight up weren’t in the game or were grossly oversold.

good luck

Not to mention that game is still missing features and system functions that were advertised right up until launch by CDPR themselves.

SWAT, typically, doesn’t lay down shit. They come in after the fact because it’s the worst case scenario but the worst has already taken place. At best they take the shooter alive but only after someone has been harmed or killed. It’s usually after there is a body or two on the floor though that SWAT actually does

she’s not gonna sleep with you, bro

I know this is in bad faith but what are you even smoking?

Caius was the best FF villain/antagonist in my eyes until Emet Selch.

They really opened it up and nailed it early with 13-2 but I even with 13, I was saying it for years that it was the best use of the job system and atb since x-2. Ignore all the story and character stuff, but the actual mechanics of those games absolutely fucking slaps. The paradigm system in 13-2 is wild and really

What do you expect from an extremely xenophobic country?

but see, I stuck to the main story and actual story side missions and all dlc in Odyssey and finished in about 90 hours. That isn’t possible with Valhalla because it’s that much more bloated. I finished Origins and the dlc is about 40 because you quickly see how pointless most of the side stuff is, especially in the

I have been looking for an excuse to fire up Odyssey again. Bloat aside, probably my favorite AC next to Brotherhood and 2. Even with the bloat, every island felt like a new adventure and you ended up getting something from each one. Valhalla is just pure bloat and I don’t get any of that from it. I’ll keep going back

imagine a game

he did something, much more in fact that pretty much any entity has up to this point, on a world wide stage giving eyes and ears and you want to say it’s not enough?

people give into pressure way too easily, especially when it comes to personal matters. I get not wanting to upset some people, especially if they’re close, but you have to draw the line at a certain point.

a really fuckin hot take is all I can say I guess

also if you’ve spent even an hour with any Halo game before, you know that plasma pistol+any headshot weapon makes the game insanely trivial. Yes this won’t be the one two combo for the boss fights but everything else? 

has he ever been ok? all he does is shitpost unrelated stuff.

well you have a card way below even minimum so