No Powerhouse? criminal.
No Powerhouse? criminal.
far as I knew that was the only strat for that map. I love Invasion but HATE that map for it.
that’s what has always killed me about adult pokemon fans. They get so upset and twisted over a kid made for literal children. Doesn’t mean you can’t play or enjoy it but come on. Either roll with the changes and accept it for what it is or move the fuck on and play something that more aligns with your “adult” tastes.
This is the correct take. The offerings here for a f2p big budget MP game are kind of wild, even if some other stuff is coming in hot.
That comparison has been made for years that 14 is much more in line with Wrath. I know I still feel that way about a lot of things and they’ve done a good job of keeping the bloat down and borrowed power that WoW relies so heavily on now.
The people at the peak saw where this was going and knew. There’s a reason that’s when WoW was #1 and at its best.
which they yanked both teams off of whatever they were doing, shelved both franchises indefinitely to work on this piece of shit
you’re not wrong
just a reminder, Deus Ex died for this piece of shit
Ok but have you watched the show? Ed may refer to herself in 3rd person because of her personality but when it has been brought up in the show and the movie and someone point blank asks her or makes a comment about being a boy, Ed has always said “but Ed’s a girl.”
Her gender isn’t vague at all. She tells people every time it gets brought up that she’s a girl.
and yet he still wants to return to the league
100% he’s done illegal as fuck things using his “fame”
I will forever tell people to watch the NoClip doc about FF14 just to see what this man did and how he operates. That team genuinely gives a shit which is so anti corporate, not to mention his whole attitude and openness being almost unheard of in Japan period.
I saw them live at Sounds of the Underground tour ‘07? I didn’t care for their studio album, didn’t really grab me, but goddamn they were killer live.
If they’d just fucking copy WoW’s transmog system I’d be ecstatic, it’s the best in the business.
How the board hasn’t dropped him just for having all this fire surrounding him is beyond me. Also why isn’t he being investigated for his connections to Epstein?
that episode has and forever will remain relevant until that man goes to prison for life
Krystal’s has some banger fries, was surprised. As does KFC.