
It’s 40.

Still a better love story than Twilight

they investigate this but not his and many others connections to Epstein? k

they’re in full damage control which kills me because instead of protecting, ya know, real world living breathing human women, they’re cleaning up risque pictures or immature(usually bad) jokes from old content

Either it’s on sale for 20 bucks or at least a decent sale with a proper save system and I’ll pounce. Whichever comes first.

and no body gives a shit anyway because they know they’ll wake up tomorrow.

it auto locks, just need to be facing and within range for whoever you’re using. If you hold l1 and swap over, changes the target and lock. Make sure your AI for controlled character is set to semi-auto too for the movement. If you accidently set it to manual, you may be whiffing. I’ve done it before in previous Tales

same critics also speak as if they don’t have access to a ps5 so their opinions kinda don’t hold weight?

The premium costume pack is actually really, really good to me. I generally ignore DLC costumes because it doesn’t look right or it’s dumb crossover(which they still have and it looks silly) but other than Kisara’s(who has god tier default design) I think everyone has very cool costumes.

why are you grey

I’ll take it.

That’s what I got from it too? they didn’t say anything about 1-3.

Josh fucking Brolin as Thor?

I’m in the same boat. Everything I’ve heard about it sounds like something for me but then I look at it and I kinda don’t like looking at it?

please don’t say that name out loud as it’s a reminder that we will never get anything ZOE related again. It’s too much to bear.

Mercer seems like of the chillest dudes ever so he’s probably upset he’s associated with all of this now. Not that he had anything to do with it but a character he very much loved and brought to life having all this in the background.

nope and I doubt there ever will be. They fail to understand the medium and want it to be Hollywood. Even Japanese made live actions tend to be so low quality or just miss the mark about whatever show they’re adapting and why it was special. Just ends up looking like amateur hour with really good cosplay.