
you’re not wrong

And what a game to lose yourself in, especially back then. One of those games I wish I could wipe my memory of and experience again for the first time. Fuck sleep, Patrick Stewart with his dying breath gave me a VERY important task and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let sleep get in the way. This world ain’t gonna

Grats! I know people say you don’t need one right now but I’m glad I was able to get one and I have it sitting here now, not missing it in whatever month something pops up and I don’t have it. At the very least it’s the best way to play some of the best Ps4 games to come out that are already damn close to being “next

No one has any right to be upset about the upgrade paths. As you said the amount of free content the game has received is nuts in today’s MTX driven world. They could have easily made Legends some freemium bullshit or flooded the single player campaign with paid costumes but didn’t.

I disagree on the BOTW part. The world was empty and lifeless outside of the few villages. And no I do not count goblin camps here and there you run into as you move about as a breathing world.

Looks like Duncan from Dragon Age Origins.

It’s Valkyria Chronicles all over again, send them kids to war.

I’ve really wanted to get back on that recently for the hype with Arise but I guess they’re happy to let it rot.


you can tell it’s just a bunch of jaded 30 somethings but yes I agree with you. I don’t care for her music personally but the event itself, that it’s something that can be done and what it could be applied to for other things, that should get anyone excited with ideas. But ya know

More memes for the Bombcast next week. Dope.

You can have everything capped on one character and have everyone geared while leveling or at end game after collecting stuff for other jobs. I’ve never had such a diverse roster of max level classes before in any mmo I’ve played in almost 20 years. Basically made me give up on alts in WoW.

I think the more skills(so combat is faster and actual rotations) you get and more advanced dungeon/boss encounters that come along even in ARR, can help with the drag of getting around to all the cool shit. At least you’re seeing new and wild places pretty frequently.

It’s rough I won’t argue about that and it sucks because on one hand I want to recommend the game to anyone and everyone just because of where it goes. On the other I also know what lies in wait leading up to the end of ARR and someone with less free time or not as experienced with MMOs, they might struggle to stick

same here. Grew up on WC2 and as I got older with 3 and WoW that was the dream in the sky to work there one day.

Just be patient with the opening hours and hop in sprout chat, ask questions/read. The community on whatever server you end up on will do nothing but help and love you. As long as you’re not a hardcore, long term raider or serious about arena pvp you can surely find a home in FF for years to come.

an actual good game

Huge reason I quit CSGO years ago. The fact you can stand behind someone with a sawed off in their back and they can survive that but turn around and one tap you with a USP? Cya