He fucking killed his elderly parents, dude.
He fucking killed his elderly parents, dude.
All they’ve been doing for the last couple weeks are mobo bundles which are the biggest bullshit ever. The PSU ones you can at least dump quickly or hold onto in case something happens to yours.
and it still wasn’t New World’s fault for the cards going bust. Either a poor production run or quality issues with that line of cards but EVGA has had issues with the 30 series cards from the start. Unusually high DOAs or failures after a week or less of use.(a quick google shows 70, 80 and 90s having full red…
Tau make space communism make sense
At least it wasn’t the Ultramarines.
I snagged a ps5 through a direct a few months ago(thanks Wario64) and got a 3070 from a Newegg shuffle a few weeks ago. It is possible, just patience and low expectations.
I’ve seen ReZero. It’s ok. A little too slow to get to the point but I will probably never watch it again or the 2nd season. I’ve been wanting to rewatch Kaisen since I finished it.
Probably the best anime I’ve seen in the last 10 years. I hope he’s able to work at a healthy pace so the manga and show can continue.
both of those games despite the hardware limitations of the time, I feel both were ahead of their time
And even when you do have to do group content to progress the story or if you’re running dungeons for gear/xp, probably the best community for new players. I don’t blame anyone for avoiding MMOs because of shitty people or just not wanting to interact but if there was a game to get into, this is the one and a…
I’ve been doing the same thing since release and I think it’s the best approach. Valhalla is interesting and fun to explore in so many ways and I WANT to see that rolling countryside but damn if the game isn’t bloated. Origins and Odyssey were too but the subject/time period kept me interested. I’m way more down with…
still no Bloodborne ps5 update cool
Yes and no, it has a mix of both throughout. More of the casual conversation or exposition seem to be in that manga like style of cutscene whereas something more action heavy or a reveal/event are normal 3d sequences.
Gonna throw this here for people still on the fence or unsure of what the game actually is. Dude has done some great coverage on this and Tales of Arise but between info like this and the demo I hope it gets through to people. GOTY contender as far I’m concerned.
can’t blame covid on this one either. that game was announced way too fuckin early plain and simple.
They basically rebooted it and dropped Platinum. They aren’t even credited anymore.
2022/23 why even show it now
but that’s at least a fun game worth putting some time into even if you don’t finish it.
Is King Dice gonna have to choke a bitch?