Wasn’t really referring to the end of Shadowbringers but the stuff after.
Wasn’t really referring to the end of Shadowbringers but the stuff after.
I personally don’t care because I’m past it all but mannnnnnn spoilers
I think I saw that show
That’s how the discovery works now and nothing Valve ever says will convince me otherwise.
I had been out for years don’t know why I was in on some articles but not others
you’re not wrong
yes pick the worst house. sure
so with CDL they won’t need SBMM anymore, right?
That’s not the Shimakaze I know...
This will just make things worse, right?
I’ll probably have a child before Remake wraps up.
I too need to get back to it. 55ish? hours in and I’m at the start of chapter 4. I need to get back to it and finish it before P5R and FF7. Part of me wants to wait for the PC version and see if I can move my save file over because there’s no way I’m going to start that monster over anytime soon.
The main battle theme is really good as is the remix? boss theme of the intro theme. I’ve never liked jrock but that intro slapssss
jesus christ
Problem is Blizzard’s in house raiders are no where near as good as the cutting edge/WF guilds so they can’t even properly test the raids they create. And of course you can’t invite outside, talented raiders to test because they’d have an advantage or risk leaks getting out during a race.
I mean it is but it makes over a billion a year so no one gives a shit