
but that costs money you see

me not that kind of orc

Would’ve been better than BOTW

but that’s exactly it. what are modders really going to be able to do even if it’s not exactly like 76 but just connected enough online with their bethesdanet shit that it makes modding harder than it needs to be. denuvo+bethesdanet checks= harder files to unpack and edit and editing the exe...but they sit there and

there is nothing to worry about because they most certainly will. We will see that first cinematic and gameplay trailer and be hyped as hell and fall right back in thinking it’s the hottest shit ever. Then it comes out and it starts to sink in that this Bethesda isn’t the same Bethesda that made Oblivion or Fallout 3.

modern consoles aren’t even plug and play anymore. At this point they are PCs that can do less.

what do you have against hentai

I won’t argue that there wasn’t interesting stuff at CES but unless it was something that stood out to you personally, general opinion on it this year was meh. Different people with different interests and specialties from different publications all kind of saying the same things? I’m just not sure trade shows will

I can’t remember if it was someone from Giantbomb or Easy Allies during E3 because I was following both but someone basically said stop with this big conference stuff, stream it on twitch and youtube whatever and let us play the demo at home. That would do way more to drive viewers and sales.

yea it seems the last 2 or 3 years? especially Jeff and Brad after E3 just go back and forth if a big show like E3 is even worth it anymore and it’s just been getting worse. Why spend millions of dollars and move around a bunch of equipment and people so 30? thousand people can see your big reveal when you can stream

I forget the exact steps because I haven’t had to do it in a few years but there are ways to force Steam to pull cloud saves. Since many people have lost saves, there is information about it on the forums along with all the other bs fixes people have to do with some of the major issues right now

it can be recovered

absolutely not

just get Ryza

they just come in for longer session chains far as I know

Fucking herb

It’s on the eshop right now for 90 bucks.

T Pain blasting someone for using auto tune is fucking great. Glad he’s managed to stay chill all these years and not get caught up in some nonsense.