As they talk to their friends in Discord about how evil Tencent is and how they will pirate games exclusive to the Epic store because it’s CHINESE MONEY.
As they talk to their friends in Discord about how evil Tencent is and how they will pirate games exclusive to the Epic store because it’s CHINESE MONEY.
shut up weeb
who the fuck
and it doesn’t need to be that way
Other than some performance hits in certain situations/events it’s a very solid port going by everything I’ve read. Plus if you ever want to get it on PC your save carries over between the two as long as it’s unmodded.
I don’t think a week has gone by where kinja isn’t shitting itself into oblivion.
has some bangers and he is clearly talented but all his shit sounds the same
Every day we stray further from the Light.
That makes sense.
So would it be better to wait for all of the big expansions to be out and wait to play them sort of as a post game thing or get them now and just start and hit the rest later as they come. Haven’t finished the game yet but Borderlands DLC has been in a weird place before of this is clearly something you should do post…
From what I understand CDPR went above and beyond what most companies would do to try to appease him and continued to offer money long after the agreement was signed and Witcher 3 exploded into mainstream popularity. Dude didn’t think the games were going to be successful, was quickly proven wrong and then spent years…
and 2021? very surprised it’s still up and they’re willing to give it a whole year more
Just played for about 30mins before getting ready for work but just in the little tutorial area the music is killing it. It’s so hard to not stand around and look at this ship graveyard and listen to the handful of tracks they play in that opening section. I can’t wait to get home from work later and dive back in.