@sdbeach: I always forget about the hash tags, thanks.
@sdbeach: I always forget about the hash tags, thanks.
@Whitson Gordon: You've got a "." at the end of the URL, preventing it from working correctly.
@SublimeAndEtc: Stable releases don't mean a damned thing when it comes to CM. They never do any kind of feature freeze, so even the RCs(which are typically to see if there are any show stopping bugs) had new, barely tested features. I've had more problems with the stable release of CM 6.1 in the few hours I've used…
@slippyr4: Are you sure that's a stock browser option? I thought that feature comes from CyanogenMod.
@thegamefreak0134: I use textmate at home, but at work I'm stuck on Windows, where I use Notepad++. Most Mac users I know who do any kind of development have used Notepad++ at some point or another.
@joulesbeef: No, and it never will. XBMC is just a really nice front-end for MPlayer.
@kaffenated: If she was trying to prove a point, I think she was pretty successful. I don't care what her motives are - it doesn't make TSA's handling of the situation any more appropriate.
@ibunkun: Perhaps a cause, but certainly not the cause.
@QLAB: The problem with FiOS is that with most plans, you only end up paying around $10 bucks more per month for cable over just the internet service by itself(at least this was the case when I signed up). I doubt whatever subscription plan MS has in the works would be at or under the $10 mark.
@Assassin_Kensei: I highly doubt Apple will make this an open standard anytime soon. Much more likely that a company like Google will create an open version of it and hold Apple up in the court system for years over it until no one really gives a damn any more.
@liger_rider: The DeLorean was a total piece of shit.
@Assassin_Kensei: In my opinion, it's less about streaming music(nothing new), and more about the seamless pass-off between devices. I can be listening to my iPod on my headphones while I'm walking, enter my apartment and have my music transition over to my stereo. It doesn't seem like much, but when it happens, it…
@LordHelmet: You obviously didn't read his comment thoroughly enough. The Gizmodo article says it's a tethered jailbreak, but as Runkie was pointing out and you've elaborated on, it's really not a tethered jailbreak.
@Abrahim Ladha: Why would a 3G iPod Touch be considered second generation?
@A Magician Named Gob: Usually a gold master release of a product ends up being the final product, so unless Apple makes further changes to iOS 4.2.1 before it's release, we will probably have a jailbreak almost immediately after it is officially released.
@RandomNickname: An apple fanboy of trollish proportions.
@klick73: I'm pretty sure Red Bull comes in a can, actually.
@dewey_decimal: Handicapped spots aren't just for people in wheelchairs. Don't presume to know all about someones condition just because of the way look or walk. It gets abused a lot, I'm sure, but give people the benefit of a doubt.
@MayorBloomberg: As an Android user, I don't think fragmentation is nearly as big of a deal as people make it out to be. It's a buzzword. That doesn't mean it doesn't have real-world consequences, but the expectation that software should run the same from device to device on any platform is absurd and completely…
@xhedgehogx: why wouldn't you download it at home and sync it to your phone??