
@shalegac: "Tomorrow is just another day. That you'll never forget"

@truthtellah: The average color differences between either your .PNG version or the .JPG version and the original are both 0.4% :)

@Vogie: How does new hardware technology for charging iPhones or whatever relate in any way to news about iTunes, a freaking media player?

@Vogie: Well, that's completely relevant to a discussion about iTunes!

@dog13000: It wouldn't necessarily require a new version. For all we know, streaming capabilities may be build into 10.1 already.

@rjwe87: You should look into Subsonic.. It's 10 euros, but there is a nice trial period. The server works on Windows, Mac, and Linux, and the client works on iOS or Android.

@pete1061: To be fair, Minecraft is kind of a ripoff of Infiniminer.

Morningstar Farms makes "Hickory BBQ Riblets" that are pretty damned close to the McRib. Odd, as they don't actually contain any meat(then again, if we're talking about McDonald's, I don't know that you're really guaranteed meat to begin with).

@zegota: If you can hack the hardware, you can hack the OS and the program. And you can always hack the hardware.

8pen was updated a couple of days ago. It is no longer $1.58, instead it is 100% free.

@orlo: That should definitely not be happening with normal usage. Mine rarely takes up more 300MB, and I'm a tab whore. I'd recommend disabling extensions and re-enabling them one by one. I'm betting you'll find your culprit that way.

@icamp: If you can't follow step-by-step directions, you should not be tweaking.

@mzo: Are you new to the internet?

@Unionhawk: What kind of POS antivirus are you using that doesn't recognize software releases from a major company as clean?

@nnJimmy: Healthy competition like this is the reason web browsers have become the center of most people's computing experience.

@Alan_Wayne: I've taken the time to get the gestures down pat, and found it's still a pretty painfully slow process to churn out anything longer than a few words. I'm sure I could improve my typing speed quite a bit - maybe even double it - with time and practice, but I don't see myself ever outpacing my typing speed

@olugbam: I doubt it would even necessitate a firmware update. They could probably do it over the air without the user ever having a clue.

@JimboLodisC: Nice! And much improved, I might add.