
@MengBomin: You youngins probably don't remember this, but most computer manufacturers used to build machines in compliance with a set of open standards set forth by IBM. These computer were referred to as IBM-PC compatible, which usually ended up being referred to as just plain PC compatible. As competitors died

@zelannii: because it's Gizmodo. They aren't exactly known for their journalistic integrity.

@Almightywhacko: Can't believe you go unstarred for that. Power-tripping editors suck!

@virus86: That's common knowledge, but it still doesn't make it a relevant criterion for comparison when discussing Netflix Instant clients.

@virus86: Netflix Instant doesn't even support surround sound(yet, anyway).

@John Doe: I love how smug you guys can be.

@Adrenalyn915: There have been three Dualshock controllers, one for each system Playstation system. The PS3 originally didn't have a Dualshock controller, but it looked the same.

@Che-poodle: It's still not an accurate representation of Pantone 186 C, but it's much closer than the photos.

@Ccomfort: Maybe the facial hair is what throws me off, then. I'm also a thirty year-old college freshman, so I'm probably just over-exposed. :)

They can also be formed into fullerenes!

It's two dimensional in the same sense that paper is 2-dimensional - thin enough to be thought of as a two-dimensional material.

@Ccomfort: So, hipsters are basically those kids once they grow up!

@revdrkevind: I own a droid, hate Steve Jobs, and fucking love my Mac. Then again, I'm a graphic designer and a musician, which by some people's definitions would make me a hipster, even though I absolutely do not consider myself to be one.

@FriedPeeps: Exactly. Hipsters hate and love what others hipsters hate and love, while remaining utterly convinced that they are bucking the system and crafting a unique style for themselves.

@rathat: Maybe it isn't all that useful, but you have to admit it's pretty clever.

@solidunit: Just get a first gen model, then.

@Jon Lancaster: It's been a while since I've used a PS3 - does it still have the same half-assed XMB UI?

@PacJack360: A pirate solution will come about soon.