
@yipcanjo: I deal with this kind of crap all day long, too. The last thing I want to read when I get home is some pedant bitching about it on a web forum.

That's awesome. And surprisingly beautiful, like baroque architecture taken to an extreme. I wonder how long something like this would take to render?

@JDV28: What does that even mean, "it's not a solution"? It's a solution to the problem I was having. Before, I couldn't put apps on my SD card unless the apps were compiled with support for that kind of functionality, and now I don't have to worry about that.

@JDV28: Don't be hyperbolic. Plenty of people - including myself - used and are happy with the a2SD solution in CM6. It works for all but a couple of apps on my phone.

@Decad3nce: Opera Mini is garbage. Yeah, it's fast, but only because you're viewing the web in low-fidelity. No thanks. Increasing quality settings has resulted in a loss of the "zippyness", in my experience.

@MarcusMaximus: Once it moves out of beta, they're going to enable accelerated graphics, which ought to boost the speed quite a bit.

@Hearthatvoiceagain: Is it really that big of a stretch to imagine a headphone jack on the bottom of the phone, like they already do with the iPod Touch?

@Almightywhacko: That's a great point. Fallout 3 is selling for $29.99 on Xbox360's Game on Demand service, but nearly every store I've been too lately has been selling the same game for $19.99. With downloaded games, you lose the competition that drives down prices. It's bad for consumers, but great for distributors.

@olternaut: That doesn't mean you won't be able to download games, just that you'll have the option. I think it's a smart move. Where I'm from, we still don't have broadband and likely won't for another 5 to 6 years. Even people who live in metropolises often have ISPs who impose a usage cap or are discussing plans

Since when was a set of seemingly arbitrary symbols easier to remember than colors or letters? If you have to explain the meaning behind the symbols for them to make sense, you're doing it wrong!

@daath: To be fair, it's a bit like they're starting over from Season 1. In my opinion, a lot of the humor from Futurama came about once we had a feel for the characters. Since their audience is likely to be much different than it was on Fox, I'm guessing they felt it was safer to assume the audience has no prior

@Anay Katyal: Hate Apple all you want, but the devices aren't exactly useless. I get shit done on my iPhone. And if they can make an AppleTV for around $100(not unreasonable if consider there's no need for a screen of any sort), you can bet they'll have my money.

@EvanSei: Very first sentence: Apple is testing iOS 4.1 in the *next-generation iPod touch*, the iPad and a mysterious new product.

@raygundan: Anyone dealing with RAR files downloaded from usenet knows this, but it's irrelevant when talking about torrents. No one is going to seed an incomplete file, and torrent software will check to make sure that each chunk is valid, and will re-download individual chunks if they're determined to be corrupt.

@Grewal: ADW just recently been incorporated into CM6.

@Juan Manuel Rodriguez Moreno: Not to mention the installation of a bunch of software that the vast majority of people have absolutely no other usage for.

@Grewal: I like and use ADW, but it tends to be much laggier than LauncherPro. I prefer ADW though, mainly due to it's nice integration with CM6.

@LightPress: 99.9% of design is an evolution of a successful predecessor. Very little in design stems from a truly original idea. The Pre's resemblance to the iPhone, however, is very superficial. If you've ever used the phone, you'd have a hard time arguing that it's a rip-off of the iPhone.

@RaindropBebop: I used to own a PS3, and I'm the kind of who *loves* system updates, but the PS3's firmware updates are often minor incremental changes that would be better be saved for a major update, and yet these minor updates are still huge and still prevent you from playing games. And, like the author said,

@MacTodd: Just thought I'd suggest it. To the best of my knowledge, there isn't any built-in functionality to actually record TTS, and while I haven't actually heard your implementation, the Android TTS leaves a lot to be desired IMO. Not to mention the marketshare is growing rapidly!