
@MacTodd: You should seriously consider porting to Android. I'm not familiar with any app in the marketplace right now that does what your Auto-Ringtone app does, and Android users seem somewhat more content with paying for their apps. Very fews apps I've purchased have been 99¢, and most seem to be around the

@britishcoder: Sweet! I didn't hear about that, thanks.

@MacTodd: OK. Sorry to jump down your throat, but it sounded the way you worded if before made it sound as though people were lucky to get to test out crippleware. I take no issue with people selling a pro version of an application with additional features.

I really like the way Android handles this - I pay for the app upfront, and if I don't like it I can return it within 24 hours by just uninstalling it. I think the fact that Google takes the actual payment as collateral is what keeps this from being abused. I think I'm much more likely to hang on to a so-so app I've

@elSpanielo: People already steal apps from developers. This, if anything, would help the situation. I, for one, never buy software I can't try out first. If my only option is to either buy it sight unseen, or use a pirated copy, I will pick the pirated copy. That doesn't mean I won't buy the program if I like it,

@MacTodd: Lol what?? The free version is "unlimited", but for unlimited ringtones you need to buy the full version? Give me a break, developers like you are *exactly* what's wrong with the app store.

@openfly: Then call it iOS. Seriously, though...why the hell does Cisco let them get away with this?

@cs54.com: When Google created their pacman Google header, they weren't using HTML5, just plain old CSS and JavaScript.

@Barry Zuckerkorn: Either you're trying to stir up a reaction(ie, you're being a troll, and I still maintain this is the case), or you genuinely have a weak and uninformed opinion. First off, there is no correlation between Android sales and whether or not Android can run emulators.

@Odin: Stop feeding the troll!

@dannyg713: Many people feel like if they've purchased a game, then they own a copy of that game and are free to use it as they wish. If that means copying the game and playing it on a different platform through emulation, then so be it.

@BeefSupreme: What really pisses me off is when people use Helvetica for websites. Most Windows users don't have Helvetica installed, and those that do typically have a version that is intended for print. You can bet that if a website is using Helvetica, it was either designed by someone using a Mac(and hasn't

@neoliminal: I think CMD+N makes more sense, and is more cross-platform friendly, since that same command works to open a new browser or document in most software packages.

@satirical duck hat: It really is lame. Look at the Nexus One - widely considered to be one of the best Android phones, yet 3G reception is greatly affected by where your hand is positioned on the phone. Really, this is true of *ANY* wireless device, but the iPhone 4 is really being taken to task for it. It reminds me

@jdale: True. You can't just go around banning things because they *might* lead to actual drug use. If that were the case, we should ban kitchen knives, toy guns, aspirin, and sex of any kind.

@-emory-: USB debug mode != USB storage mode.