
The doubleTwist app is a total asshole for enabling USB automount by default, without any regard for other apps that might be accessing the SD card at that time.

@twothefutureandbeyond: Hebrew, to the best of my knowledge, never fell completely out of use, it was just largely displaced by other languages for a period.

Cool trick. They should make it so that entering an actual "*" wildcard performs the same thing.

@BroScience: Nope, but an analysis of your hard drive can prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Having your IP logged would be sufficient for a search warrant.

@BroScience: Do you seriously think it matters? If you're going to be prosecuted for file trading, all they need is your IP address. Your ISP will handle the rest.

@hippy247: I completely disagree. Apple fanboys have *always* caught shit just for using Apple products, when the truth is comparatively few people have experience with Apple as opposed to say...Windows products on a PC platform. All the flak they catch for being iPhone users is just a remant of the IBM-PC

@Thunderbyte: I'm aware of that, it doesn't refute the fact that Latin itself is no longer a living language.

Latin is a *dead* language, not dying. There are no native speakers of it anywhere.

Flash Player 10.1 does not yet have support for hardware acceleration on Macs. There is a preview release of the player that supports this, but it's not quite ready for the public.

@wryun: They both suck, but Android's version is inexcusably poor. They used to have freaking Joe Hewitt working on this stuff... WTF happened, did they just give up?

@gibson_se: Surely I can't be the only one who doesn't have any issues with Flash in Firefox? I've used Firefox for years, on Windows, Linux and OS X, and I've never had the issues people complain about constantly.

@Slinkit: This means that Google has opened up the source code for Android 2.2 to the public. This means they're probably done making revisions to this version of the code on their end, and anyone who wants can get their hands dirty with it. This also means that manufacturers can not get their hands on the source so

@ericesque: That makes sense. I can't imagine that Microsoft just doesn't know what they're doing with the brand by this point.

@FriarNurgle: MS has utterly failed at selling the Zune, which actually a decent gadget. You're not going to conquer a Goliath like the iPod without really putting your weight behind your product, which MS is certainly capable of doing, but just never has.

That's first time I've laughed at a Goatse joke in years.

Excellent timing...I'm moving this weekend! Maybe now I can downgrade my rental truck from a 14' to 10'.

@WillieG: An edge-only phone was obsolete the minute it was announced.

@SurfinGorilla: Yes, developers have to take advantage of the new API in order for multitasking to work as expected.

@technerd2345: Not if you make sure to perform a backup first.